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BWH2100 - Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Report

Warehouse > Reports > Bid Processing Reports > Bid Tabulation Report

This report provides a list of bids solicited to HUB vendors with information about received proposals and competitive/noncompetitive granted awards.

Parameter Description
Select HUB Status(es), or blank for ALL

Type the HUB status code, separating multiple status codes with a comma (e.g., FGF, HBH). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to search for HUB status codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all HUB status codes.

From RFQ Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALLType the beginning request for quotation (RFQ) date in the MMDDYYYY format.
To RFQ Date (MMDDYYYY), or blank for ALLType the ending request for quotation (RFQ) date in the MMDDYYYY format.

Generate the report.

warehouse/reports/bidprocessingreports/historicallyunderutilizedbusinessreport.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/05 20:39 by emoreno