
Table of Contents


BWH1050 - Warehouse Inventory Report Sorted By Category

Warehouse > Reports > Warehouse Reports > Warehouse Inventory Report Sorted By Category

This report provides a list of warehouse inventory items. The items are listed by category code. The report also includes the unit of issue, cost, units on hand, reorder level, used-to-date amount, and date of reorder.

Parameter Description
Category Code (Blank for ALL)

Type the five-character category code, separating multiple category codes with a comma (e.g., CAFE, IT). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select from a list of available category codes. Otherwise, leave blank to use all category codes.

Generate the report.

warehouse/reports/warehousereports/warehouseinventoryreportsortedbycategory.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/21 19:05 by emoreno