This section allows the district to set options that apply only to a specified range of campuses and tracks during ASDR.

Order for record status codes:

Record status codes are processed in the following order:

Campus ASDR Options section

Existing campus options are displayed and can be modified.

❏ Click +Add to add a campus or range of campuses and tracks.

A blank row is added to the grid.

Campus From
Campus To

Specify a campus or range of campuses. The options selected on each row apply only to the campuses in the range specified in these fields.

• You must account for all campuses in the district. Every campus in the district must be included in a range.

• If there is only one campus in the range, type the same campus ID in both fields.

• If a campus has multiple tracks, the campus must be listed in the Campus From and Campus Thru fields for each track.

• Some campus IDs within the range might not be valid campus IDs; they are bypassed.

IMPORTANT! If you include more than one campus in a range, be sure that the selected options are appropriate for all campuses in the range.

Campus Track

Type the track for which the options apply.

Options must be set for every track at the campus.

• A set of next year attendance options must already be built for every track at every campus.

• Include each track at each campus, unless Exclude Campus is selected for the campus. Students whose next year track does not exist will be dropped in the next school year and will be included on the Dropped Stu List report but not written to the leaver table.

• Campuses included in the range on the same row must have the same first day of school for the track specified.

NOTE: If the district has multiple half-day tracks, PK students should be pre-registered to the track they will be on for the next school year.

Set to Campus Track

Use the two fields to move students from one track to another during ASDR.

Select the checkbox and type a track in the input field if all students at the original campus and track will be moved to the entered track when ASDR is run. For example, this could be used to transfer students to a track with an extended year calendar.

• The next year calendar must already be set up for the track.

• The track input field is enabled only when the checkbox is selected.

• If the checkbox is selected, the track input field cannot be blank.

• If you type a value in the track input field, the First Day Of School field is disabled and populated with the correct first day of the school for the entered track when you save. It will remain disabled after you save; you must clear the checkbox if you need to reset First Day Of School for any reason (e.g., to change or correct data).

It is recommended that you do not use this option to move students from a half-day track to a full-day track.

Exclude Campus

Select to exclude the campus from ASDR. This option is used for a campus that will not be active or used in the next school year. If the campus is excluded, no next year records are created for the campus.

Because historical information is saved, a campus must be excluded instead of deleted so that the data is saved in the historical records.

• If a campus will not be used next year, but it still has student records (such as leaver records), do not exclude the campus. Instead, set ASDR options to drop the student records when ASDR is run by selecting Drop Wd Stu New Sch Yr, Drop Status =1 New Sch Yr, and Drop Unsched Stu New Sch Yr on the Campus ASDR Options tab). When the campus is accessed in the next school year, there will be no student records for the next school year (except for the leaver records).

• If you exclude a campus with enrolled students, the students are not rolled over during ASDR. Their records are written to the historical tables for the excluded campus. If the student does not have a valid next year campus, he will be dropped in the next school year.

First Day of School

This date is automatically set to the first day of school for all next year campuses when next year attendance calendars are created. This date will be used as the campus entry date, original campus entry date, and course entry date for all students is displayed.

The date may also be used for the entry date for special programs. Be sure this date is the same date is displayed on Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Next Year Campus Calendar.

Move Ctrl Nbrs

Select to move next year student control numbers (Scheduling > Maintenance > Control Number) to the current year and clear the next year control number field.

For high school campuses, this field is typically not selected.


Be sure to check with the elementary campus to see if the are using the next year control number option in Scheduling.

Next year control numbers must already be set for students. If you select this option and next year control numbers are not set, all student control numbers will be cleared.

Drop Wd Stu New Sch Yr

This option uses the withdrawal date to determine if the student will be dropped.

Select to not create next year records for students who withdrew before the end of the current year.

It is recommended that you select this field. If selected, you will be able to re-enroll withdrawn students from Historical Directory.

If not selected, and the student has a withdrawal date and meets other criteria (e.g., the student has courses scheduled for the new school year, or the campus did not also select Drop Unsched Stu New Sch Yr), No Show (record status 6) records are created for the withdrawn students for the new school year. Creating No Show records for withdrawn students at any campus is not recommended.


If a Withdraw Cutoff Date is entered on the District ASDR Options tab, you cannot also select Drop Wd Stu New Sch Yr; only one of the fields can be selected.

If Drop Wd Stu New Sch Yr is selected for a campus, it supersedes the Withdraw Cutoff Date on the District Move Options tab, whether or not a withdraw cutoff date is entered.

If Drop Wd Stu New Sch Yr is selected for a campus, this setting overrides the Activate Withdrawn Sched Student setting. In this case, withdrawn students will be dropped even if they have scheduled courses.

Drop Status = 1 New Sch Yr

This option uses the status code to determine if the student will be dropped.

Select to not create next year records for record status 1 students (currently enrolled at this campus).

This option is for campuses that use a scheduling application.
Campuses that do not use a scheduling application should not select this option, because no student records would be created for the next school year.

If selected:

• Students with record status 1 are not created.
• Students with record status 2 are created for the next school year.

Drop Unsched Stu New Sch Yr

This options looks at the student's course requests to determine if the student will be dropped.

Select to not create next year records for students who do not have scheduling course requests at their next year campus, regardless of their record status. This applies to both active and withdrawn students.

If selected, even students who withdrew after the Withdraw Cutoff Date on the [registration:maintenance:districtprofile:asdr:campusmoveoptions|District ASDR Options]] tab (if used) are dropped if they do not have a next year schedule.

Activate Withdrawn Sched Student

This options looks at the student's course requests to determine if the student will be dropped.

Select to re-activate withdrawn students who have courses requested or assigned in Scheduling at their next year campus.

The withdrawal date is deleted from the enrollment records of students who have course requests, whether or not the requests are scheduled.

NOTE: If Drop Wd Stu New Sch Yr is selected for a campus, that setting overrides the Activate Withdrawn Sched Student setting. In this case, withdrawn students will be dropped even if they have scheduled courses.

Clear Eco Disadvan

Indicate how to clear the Eco Disadvan field on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1 for all students.

Do not clear - The current value is carried over to the new school year.

Clear all except 99 - The value is carried over to the new school year for students with code 99. For all others, the value is set to 00 in the new school year.

Clear ALL - The value is set to 00-Not Economically Disadvantaged for all students in the new school year.

Clear only code 01 - For students with code 01-Eligible for Free Meals, the value is set to 00 in the new school year. For all others, the value carried over.

Clear only code 02 - For students with code 02-Eligible for Reduced-price Meals, the value is set to 00 in the new school year. For all others, the value carried over.

Clear only code 99 - For students with code 99-Other Economic Disadvantage, the value is set to 00 in the new school year. For all others, the value carried over.

Clear Locker

Select to clear the Locker field on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo2 in the next year records for all students.

Clear Categories

Select to clear the categories from the courses for the new school year.

❏ Click Save.