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Document Attachment File Recovery - DA5001

District Administration > Utilities > Document Attachment File Recovery

This page is used to search for and recover deleted Document Attachment files.

Recover deleted document attachment records:

Use the following fields to narrow your search:

Field Description
Application TypeClick Drop Down Arrow to select the system type (e.g., Business, Student, etc.).
ApplicationClick Drop Down Arrow to select the application (e.g., Accounts Receivable, Finance, etc.) from which the uploaded document was deleted.
FolderClick Drop Down Arrow to select from a list of available folders based on the selected Application Type and Application.
Document TypeClick Drop Down Arrow to select the document type category under which the document was stored. The drop-down list displays document types based on the selected Application and Folder.
School YearClick Drop Down Arrow to select the school year in which the document was deleted.
Delete UserClick Drop Down Arrow to select the user who deleted the file. The drop-down list displays users according to the selected Application.
Delete Date FromSelect a date from the calendar to indicate the date from which you want to retrieve deleted documents.
Delete Date ToSelect a date from the calendar to which you want to retrieve deleted documents. The Delete Date From and Delete Date To fields work independently from the other search fields.

Note: You can view and manage a user's Document Attachment access on the Manage Users > Edit User page in Security Administration.

❏ Click Search. The Search Criteria File Count field displays the number of retrieved records based on your search criteria.

Under Search Results, a list of retrieved deleted documents matching the search criteria is displayed:

  • Select the checkbox next to the documents to be restored.
  • The Recover Files button at the top of the page is enabled. Click Recover Files to restore the selected files to the originally stored location (i.e., system type, application, and folder). A message is displayed prompting you to continue.
  • Click OK to continue. A message is displayed at the top of the page indicating a successful file recovery. The recovered document is restored to the original Document Attachment application type, application, and folder location.
  • Click Cancel to return to the Document Attachment File Recovery page.

Other functions and features:

ResetClick to clear the page search parameters.
utilities/documentattachmentfilerecovery.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 19:30 by emoreno