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SDS1700 - Discipline Suspension Attendance Verification

Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Students > SDS1700 - Discipline Suspension Attendance Verification

This report provides information from student discipline and attendance records, and flags discrepancies between the two, which allows you to review for attendance posting discrepancies on days that a student was suspended, and provide notifications as needed. You can retrieve the student's attendance data for the specific days on which the student was assigned in-school suspension (ISS) or out-of-school suspension (OSS) to verify that the attendance data is accurate. For district Average Daily Attendance (ADA) reporting purposes, a student assigned ISS should not be counted absent if he is present in the ISS classroom. Additionally, a student who is assigned OSS should not be counted present because he should not be in attendance on the assigned days.

The information displayed on the report is collected from the ASCENDER Student Discipline and Attendance applications.

This report exists in Attendance and in Discipline.

This report is for the current year only.

Run the report:

Campus ID (Blank for All)

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click to select the campus. Leave blank to select all campuses in the district.

NOTE: If you select to create the report for all campuses, any campuses excluded from district reporting (i.e., campuses that have the Exclude from District Reporting field selected on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info) are not included in the report. However, you can generate the report for an individual excluded campus by entering the campus ID.

Grade Level (Blank for All)

Type the two-character grade level, click ellipsis button to select the grade level, or leave blank to select all grade levels.

Student IDs (Blank for All)

Type the six-digit student ID number, including all leading zeros. Separate multiple IDs with a comma (e.g., 098321,096476). Or, click ellipsis button to select the students. Leave blank to select all students.

In-School Suspensions (Y, N, Blank = N)

Y - Include students who have a PEIMS action code for an in-school suspension (i.e., 06 and 26).

N or blank - Do not include these students.

If N or blank, Out-of-School Suspensions must be Y.

Out-of-School Suspensions (Y, N, Blank = N)

Y - Include students who have a PEIMS action code for an out-of-school suspension (i.e., 05 and 25).

N or blank - Do not include these students.

If N or blank, In-School Suspensions must be Y.

Discrepancy Only (Y, N, Blank = N)

Y - Include only ISS or OSS students with attendance discrepancies during suspension. If selected, the report title changes to Discipline/Attendance Suspension Discrepancies Report.

N or blank - Include both students with no discrepancies and students with discrepancies.

Period (A = ADA Period Only, Blank for All)

A - Include only discrepancies during the ADA period. If selected, a track legend is displayed in the report heading below campus ID.

blank - Include all discrepancies.

Other functions and features:
SortSort report data.
FilterFilter report data.
ResetReset report data.
attendance/reports/attendancereports/sds1700disciplinesuspensionattendanceverification.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:51 by