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DateThe current date is selected by default.

Click in the field to select a valid absence date from the calendar. Or, type the date in the MMDDYYYY format. This is the date on which the student will be posted absent or tardy.


Select the grade level of the students who were absent.


Select the attendance track. Only tracks established for the campus in the Attendance application are listed.

❏ Indicate the period(s) of the absence in one of the following ways:

From/To Period

Select the range of periods for the absence.

Periods are listed according to the settings of the 1st Period Nbr and Last Period Nbr fields on Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Options.

Period Pattern

Select the pattern that applies to the absence.

❏ Click Retrieve.

A list of students in the selected grade level is displayed.

If you change the Date and/or From/To Period and click Retrieve, the page is re-displayed according to your selections. It is not necessary to click Retrieve if you only change Track.

  • You can re-sort the grid (saved rows only) by clicking an underlined column heading.
  • If there are multiple pages, page through the list.
  • Changes are not retained across pages; you must save changes on each page.


For each student who was absent or tardy, type or click to select the posting code.

Leave blank for students who were on time and present for the entire class.

schedule icon

Click to view the student's class schedule for the semester of the specified date. The schedule opens in a pop-up window.

Comments by Period
white comment icon yellow comment icon
Click to enter attendance comments for the student by period. Comments can only be entered if a posting code is entered.

A pop-up window opens allowing you to view, add, and update comments.

By Date/Grade Comments pop-up window

If the same comment applies to multiple periods, you can type the comment once, and select the periods to apply the comment to. Or, you can enter individual comments for each period.

The icon is yellow if comments currently exist for the student, date, and any of the selected periods. The icon is white if the student has no comments on that date.


Select one or more periods to apply the displayed comment to.

To apply the comment to all displayed periods (according to the selections of the From/To Period fields), select the check box in the heading row. All individual period fields are selected by default. Note that this may not include all periods at the campus. The individual fields can be unselected as needed.

If you have added, edited, or deleted any comments in the comment space, the changes or deletion will be applied to the selected period(s).


(Display only) Periods are listed according to the From/To Period range specified on the main page.

View Comment
white comment icon yellow comment icon

The icon is yellow if comments exist. Otherwise the comment icon is white.

Click the icon to add, update, or view existing comments for a particular period.

When you click the icon, it is outlined with a black box white comment icon outlined to indicate that it is the active comment.

The space on the right is enabled allowing you to type a comment.


The space on the right is where you add or update comments for the student, up to 255 characters. The space is not enabled until at least one period is selected, or until you click a View Comment icon.

Apply CheckedClick to apply the comments to the periods according to your selections. The button is not enabled unless at least one period is selected.
OKOnce you have clicked Apply Checked, click to close the pop-up window. Comments are applied but must still be saved.
CancelClick to close the window without making any changes.


Comments are not saved until you click Save.

If you enter comments, click Apply Checked, receive an Overwrite Warning message and click OK, and then click the “X” to close the window, the new comment does not overwrite the original comment until you click Save and the Saved Successful message is displayed.

If you entered comments for a posting code, and then clear the posting code, the comment is cleared without notification.

❏ Click Save to post attendance.

  • You can make changes on multiple tabs to different students and save all changes at once.
  • If there are multiple pages of students retrieved, you must save each page individually.

If attendance was previously posted for the same student, date, and period, a pop-up window opens when you save prompting to confirm that you want to overwrite the previous data:

Overwrite Warning pop-up window

The grid displays the previously posted code and the new code for each period, as well as the tab on which the new code was posted, for the date specified on the main page.

Overwrite Code

For each row, indicate if you want to overwrite the existing posting code for the student, date, and selected period(s). If there are multiple rows, you can select the check box in the heading to overwrite the code for all rows.

If not selected, the original code will remain.

Click OK. The changes are saved.

general/attendance_student_posting_by_date_grade_level_body.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:51 by