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Student Directory

The Directory is used to search for a student and retrieve the student's record to the page from which you accessed the directory.

Search for a student:

Enter data in one or more of the following fields. Not all fields are displayed in all applications.

Last Name

Type all or part of the student's last name to retrieve students whose last name begins with the letters you have typed.

First Name

Type all or part of the student's first name to retrieve students whose first name begins with the letters you have typed.


Type the three-digit campus ID to select students at a particular campus. Leave blank to select from students at all campuses.


This field is only displayed on Attendance Posting pages where the Directory is available. The field displays the track selected on the posting tab and cannot be modified.

Texas Unique Stu ID

Type all or part of the student's Texas Unique Student ID to retrieve students whose ID begins with the characters you typed.

If the student does not have a Unique ID, click TSDS Unique ID button to connect to the TSDS Unique ID Web Service and obtain an ID. Your LEA must have the appropriate credentials through Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) before this functionality can be used.

Review the Assign a TSDS Unique ID guide for additional information.

Next Year StudentsSelect to identify which Next Year Students to retrieve.

Type M or F to limit the search results to male or female students only.


Type or select the grade level to retrieve students in a specific grade level.

Active Cd

Select students with a specific status (i.e., Active or Inactive). Select All to retrieve active and inactive students.

NOTE: Some applications allow you to filter students by certain criteria:

  • Attendance, Discipline, Grade Reporting, Health, Registration and Test Scores - You can select one or more special or local programs to retrieve only students who participate in the selected program(s).

  • Registration - On the Maintenance > Student Maintenance tabs, the Next Year Students field allows the option to retrieve students with record status 5 (i.e., not currently enrolled in this district, will attend next year) in the search results. When you select a record-status-code 5 student to be retrieved, a warning message is displayed to inform you that the student is not enrolled in the current year.

  • Test Scores - You can select one or more specific tests to retrieve only students who have a record for the selected test(s).

Click Search. The students who meet the criteria entered are displayed.

  • If there are multiple pages, page through the list.

In most applications, the Total Students field in the bottom-right corner of the directory displays the total number of students retrieved.

Save Filter For Prev Next

In Grade Reporting and Registration, this field is displayed once you click Search.

Select to save any criteria you have selected and apply the criteria as you scroll through this students on the page from which you clicked Directory. This saved information is only for the session.

Click the student ID for the student you want to retrieve. The directory closes, and the student's information is displayed on the page from which you accessed the directory.

Click Cancel or Close to return to the previous page without selecting a student.

general/directory.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:52 by