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It may be necessary to update a student’s grade for a previous school year, including courses taken within the district (whether recorded on the Crs Assgn tab, or courses taken within the district and recorded on the Prior Year Transfer tab - such as summer school). When the student’s grades, credits, and/or GPA override are updated, you can recalculate the student’s overall grade point average (GPA) using numeric, grade point, or 4-point averaging. For courses entered on the Prior Year Transfer tab, changes to GA Wgt and GA Tbl also affect the overall grade point average. Rank is not updated.

Individual student grade averages are only recalculated for prior school years where the following fields have changed on the students Crs Assign or Prior Year tabs for courses taken at your district:

  • Sem Avg
  • Final Avg
  • Credits
  • GA Table/GA Weight
  • GPA Override

NOTE: If the student has both regular courses and prior year transfer courses within the same school year, grade average will not be recalculated for that school year unless the course has the same district and campus you are logged on to, and a valid local course number on the Prior Year Transfer tab.

Numeric Avg

Select to recalculate using numeric grade averaging (i.e., Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables > Num Grade Avg Operator/Value).

Grade Pt Avg

Select to recalculate using grade point grade averaging (i.e., Maintenance > Tables > Grade Reporting Tables > Grade Averaging Table).

4 Point Avg

If using four-point average, select the code indicating how you want to calculate the average.


Select whether to recalculate the semester or final average. Semester is the default. Be sure to change this field if final grades are used in grade average calculations.

Include Courses from Other Campuses

This field provides an alternative to entering an in-district transfer course on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Crs Assign. If the course is entered on the Course Assign tab, do not select this field.

Select to include a student's courses from another campus within the district. For example, if the student attended campus 001 for part of the year, and attended campus 002 for part of the year (e.g., credit recovery), you can include courses from both campuses, provided that the course is unique at the other campus, and was completed at the other campus. (A course is considered complete if the student has a semester grade or final grade, or credit, depending on whether the district uses final or semester grades.)

This option can also be used if summer school is offered at a different campus. On the Prior Year Transfer tab, you can specify the campus where the student took the course.

This field is only enabled if Grds Used for Grade Avg is S (semester) or F (final) on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > H Roll & Gr Avg.

• Courses entered on the Prior Year Transfer tab are included if the campus ID is valid for the district, and if the local course number matches a course number in the district master schedule for the school year being run.

• Numeric or grade point grade averaging tables from the logged on campus are used. If the other campus used a table that does not exist at the logged on campus, an error message is displayed.

• If High School Credit Lvl Courses for Middle School is selected, the grade averaging tables from the logged on campus are used for the next year campus. The grade averaging tables at the middle school should match the high school tables to ensure continuity.

Specific details about courses included:

Recalc Only Credits

Select to recalculate credits only. The student's grade average is not recalculated.

❏ Click Recalc Grd Avg to perform the grade average recalculation.


• Whether or not you click Save, the recalculated grade average is saved.

• Since you can change both in-district and out-of district courses on the Cumulative Courses tab, the Recalc Grd Avg on the Cumulative Courses tab has both the functionality of the Historical Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility, and the Recalc button on the Prior Yr Transfer tab, so it is not necessary to go to a different tab to recalculate the prior yr transfer courses that you updated on the Cumulative Courses tab.

• For a prior year transfer course taken outside the district, the average is only recalculated if the student was not enrolled in any courses within the district for that school year.

• For courses taken in the district but entered on the Prior Year Transfer tab (such as a summer school course), the district ID and campus ID must be the same as the current district and campus, and the local course number must be a valid number that can be matched to a course in the district master schedule for that school year, in order for the course to be included in averaging calculations.

Upon successful completion of recalculation, the Print Recalc button is enabled.
If errors are encountered, the Print Errors button is enabled.

Print Recalc

The button is only enabled if recalculation was successful. Click to view the report which displays the average(s) resulting from the recalculation. If recalculation was not successful, view the error report.

Review, save, and/or print the reports.

Print Errors

If errors are encountered, the button is enabled. Click to view the error report and determine if recalculations were performed. Some errors will prevent recalculation from occurring.

NOTE: The second error message in the example above can be expected, because the student’s class rank was not recalculated; therefore his previous rank is no longer applicable.

Review, save, and/or print the reports.

NOTE: If you are re-calculating multiple years, some years may have errors, and some years may not. The error report will list errors for any years in which errors were encountered.

❏ Click Save.

general/grade_reporting_cumulative_historical_grade_averaging_options.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:52 by