
Health > Maintenance > Nurse's Daily Log > Inquiry

This page allows you to view nurse's daily log records for a date range or student for all campuses to which you have access. From this page you can add a new record or select an existing record to edit.

Nurse's Daily Log Inquiry screen

View data:

From/To Date

The first day of the school year (From) and current date (To) are displayed by default. Type other dates as needed in the MMDDYYYY format, or click to select the dates from a calendar.


Begin typing the student's last name or ID (including leading zeros). As you begin typing the name or number, a drop-down list displays students whose name or ID begins with the characters you have typed. The student's grade level is displayed in parentheses, and WD is displayed if the student is withdrawn or a no show. From the drop-down list, select the student.

If you do not know the student ID, click Health Directory icon to search for a student.

Show all campuses

Select to show records for all campuses to which you have access.

Records from campuses to which you are not logged on are displayed; however, you cannot edit or view the data on Maintenance > Nurse's Daily Log > New (Detail). You must log on to another campus.

❏ Click Retrieve.

All records that match the selected criteria are displayed.

  • The list can be re-sorted.
  • If there are multiple pages, page through the list.

❏ To edit an existing record, click the record.

The Detail page opens allowing you to edit the record.

NewClick to add a new record. The Detail page opens. Click Inquiry to return to this page. If you updated the record on the Detail page, the record on the Inquiry page reflects the changes.
Medical Alert View medical alert.