IMPORTANT: Before proceeding, be sure that a Portal ID letter has already been created on Registration > Maintenance > Parent Portal > Letters > Update > Letter that includes the nine portal ID variables.

Registration > Maintenance > Parent Portal > Letters > Print > Letter Criteria

This tab allows you to set criteria for printing parent letters for ASCENDER ParentPortal. Each letter provides the portal IDs of the students in one family.

  • Letters are printed for active students who have an assigned portal ID.

  • A single letter is printed for multiple guardians with the same last name and same address.

  • If the guardian has an invalid address, the student's address is used.
Recipient Selection

Select the students for whom you want to send letters to the parents.

List of Students

Select to print letters for multiple students who have an assigned portal ID, and then click Directory to select the students from the directory.

Retrieve and select the student(s), and click OK.

No Letter Sent

Select to print letters for students for whom letters have not been sent.

Entire Campus

Select to print letters for all students at the campus, even if letters were sent previously.

Number of Students Selected

If you selected List of Students, the number of selected students is displayed.

Letter Sort Order

Select the order in which you want the letters printed.

Sort by Parent Zip Code

Select to sort letters by parent zip code.

Sort by Student Name

Select to sort letters by student name.

Run Criteria
Letter Template

Select the letter type. The letter types created on Maintenance > Parent Portal > Letters > Update > Directory are listed.


Select the campus for which letters are being printed.

❏ Click Run.

Registration > Maintenance > Parent Portal > Letters > Print > Print Letters

The letters open in PDF format in an embedded Adobe Reader window.

From the Adobe Reader toolbar, you can print the letters, save them to your PC, and perform other functions allowed by Adobe Reader.

If more than one student was selected, only the first student’s letter is visible, but the remainder of the letters follow. You can use the scroll bar to view all letters.

Mark as Printed

Click to indicate that you have printed the letter.

Once clicked, when you open the Directory from the Letter Criteria tab, the system date (i.e., current date) will be displayed in the Prt Date field for each student for whom the letter was printed.

Preview Labels

Click to print mailing labels for the letters, which are printed in the same order as the letters.

The labels use the Avery 5162 template (14 labels per page).

Only the parent name is printed on the labels. The student address is only used if there is no parent address.

NOTE: The letters and labels may be sorted by either zip code or student name, but the student's name is not printed on the labels. It is recommended that you include the parent name in the letter heading so that it will be easier to match the label with the letter.

Click Close Labels to return to the letter preview.

Preview Errors

If errors are found, click to view the errors.

Review, save, and/or print the report.

The following error reports are generated:

• Invalid addresses for parent or student

• Students without a parent/guardian who receives mailouts

• Students without an assigned portal ID

Click Close Errors to close the error report.


Click to return to the Letter Criteria tab.

A message is displayed notifying you that the letters will be cleared when you return to the Letter Criteria tab. Click Yes to continue.

❏ Distribute the letters to parents.