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Existing codes are displayed in order by code.

❏ From the Local Program to TEA PEIMS Codes drop-down menu, choose 20: Additional Days Program Participation.

❏ Click +Add.

A blank row is added to the grid.

Program Code

Type the three-character code for the program.

Program Title

Type a description for the program, up to 40 characters.

TEA Crisis Code

For local programs created to track students displaced by a crisis, type the corresponding crisis code, as designated by the Texas Education Commissioner:

Move Program to Next Year

Indicating how Annual Student Data Rollover (ASDR) handles local programs for the district.

N or blank - Disable the Annual Student Data Rollover field on the Campus Local Program Codes page. The program will be dropped when ASDR is run.

Y - Allow the program to be moved to next year.

Local Program to TEA PEIMS Codes

Select the local program code.

DATA ELEMENT: StudentCharacteristic (E3063) (Code Table C344) captures important characteristics of the student's environment or situation.

❏ Click Save.

❏ To update a description, type over the existing description and save.

You can only update the description; you cannot update a code. To change a code, you must delete and re-enter the code and description.

Other functions and features:

Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
Print Local Programs by Campus Print the Local Programs by Campus Next Year Status report.
general/registration_district_generic_program_code_body.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/09 13:11 by apape