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Existing instructors are displayed in the grid.

  • If there are multiple pages, page through the list.

❏ Click Spyglass Icon to view data for an instructor.

Instr ID

The instructor's three-digit ID is displayed.

Staff ID

The instructor's social security number or staff ID is displayed.

Home Room

The instructor’s home room number is displayed.


The instructor's first, middle, and last names and generation code are displayed.

❏ Under Maximum Values:

Study Halls/Day

The maximum number of study halls per day that can be assigned to the instructor is displayed.


The maximum number of sections per semester that can be assigned to the instructor is displayed. The field is blank or 0 if the instructor is not assigned to any classes.


The maximum number of periods per day the instructor can teach is displayed. The field is blank or 0 if the instructor is not assigned to any classes.


The maximum number of unique courses (preparations) per semester that can be assigned the instructor is displayed. Unique courses usually require the instructor to do a separate preparation. The field is blank or 0 if the instructor is not assigned to any classes.

Contact Periods/Year

The maximum total contact periods the instructor can be assigned for the year is displayed. The field is blank or 0 if the instructor is not assigned to any classes.

A contact period is defined as a single class on a single day during one semester.

Total contact periods = semesters x days x periods.

❏ Under Restrictions:


The code indicating the academic department with which the instructor is associated is displayed. Departments are set up on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Tables > Departments.

Subject Area

The code indicating the academic area with which the instructor is associated is displayed. Subject areas are set up on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Tables > Subject Areas.

Rsrvd Room

If the instructor has a reserved classroom, the room number is displayed. If used, the instructor is assigned only to this room. Rooms are set up on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Tables > Rooms.


The codes for up to three designators for the instructor are displayed. Designators may be characteristics or equipment (e.g., C = computers available). They can also designate an instructor's skills or characteristics (e.g., S = sign language). Designators are set up on Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Tables > Designators.

❏ Under Elementary:


The grade level the instructor teaches is displayed.


The two-digit section number the instructor teaches is displayed.

Exclude from PEIMS

The field is selected the instructor is excluded from fall PEIMS reporting.

❏ Click Schedule to print the schedule for the selected instructor.

  • Review, save, or print the report.
general/scheduling_msg_instructors_body.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by