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ParentPortal Single Sign-on

Beginning January 2, 2023, Cambium Assessment, Inc. offered the ability to integrate Single Sign-On for families through their respective Student Information Systems. Parents are now able to access their students’ results through the ASCENDER ParentPortal, which bypasses the TEA Family Portal login screen.

This capability is available for all districts utilizing the ASCENDER ParentPortal and the Test Scores application.

Parents can use the Single Sign-on option, if the student has a TEA Unique Access code in the Test Scores application as seen below:

Test Scores screen with active TEA Unique Access Code

NOTE: The TEA Unique Access Code is automatically entered for a student when result files are imported into ASCENDER.

If the student has a TEA Unique Access code on file, the parent can log in to ASCENDER ParentPortal and go to Summary > Texas Assessments.

❏ Click on the Texas Assessment button to be automatically directed to the student's scores in the Family Portal.

Texas Assessment button

If a district does not have test scores imported from Cambium, the district testing coordinator can log in to Cambium and click on Secure File Center on the top right of the screen.

The Secure File Center serves as a password-protected repository, listing files containing data that have been exported from TIDE and other Cambium systems. The student data result files for upload are sent automatically.

cambium screen with secure file_center option highlighted.

general/single_sign_on.1697481343.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/16 18:35 by apape