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Options (TeacherPortal - District)

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > TeacherPortal Options > District > Options

This tab allows you to set district-wide options for TeacherPortal.

Set options:

TeacherPortal Use Flag

Use the field to enable or disable TeacherPortal for all campuses. When this field is set to disabled, a message is displayed on the TeacherPortal Login page indicating that TeacherPortal is unavailable, and the logon fields are not displayed.

Photo URL

Type the web address at which student photographs are stored. The TeacherPortal application uses the location to allow instructors to view student photographs in TeacherPortal on the Student Information page.

The picture files should be named using the six-digit student ID number with a .jpg file extension. The files should be stored on the web server in a specific folder.

The URL path is case sensitive.

District-wide Message

Using the text editor, type a district-wide message to be displayed on the TeacherPortal Announcements page. The Announcements page is the first page the instructor sees after he successfully logs on to TeacherPortal.

❏ Click Save.

gradereporting/maintenance/teacherportaloptions/district/options.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/22 13:49 by apape