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Assign or Clear Year-End-Status Codes

Grade Reporting > Utilities > Assign or Clear Year-End-Status Code

This utility assigns or clears the year-end-status codes for the campus or a specific grade level. It also clears the retained reason codes.

Before clearing the codes to start the new school year, ensure that the end-of-year processing and PEIMS submissions have been completed.

Year-end-status codes

Update data:

Assign Year-end-status by

Select to assign or clear data by campus. The campus ID to which you are logged on is displayed.

Grade Level

Select to assign or clear data for a particular grade level. If selected, the Grd Lvl field is displayed. Select the grade level.


If selected, only blank year-end-status codes are updated, and retained reason codes are cleared.

Blank year-end-status codes are updated as follows:

• Grade levels KG and 1-8 are updated to code 01 (Promoted next grade).
• Grade levels 9-11 are updated to code 11 (Advanced next grade).
• Grade level 12 is updated to code 12 (Graduated).


If selected, the year-end-status and retained reason codes are cleared.

IMPORTANT: This should only be done at the beginning of the school year.

❏ Click Execute.

A message is displayed indicating that the process is complete. Click OK.

gradereporting/utilities/assignorclearyearendstatuscodes.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by