Grade Reporting > Utilities > Assign or Clear Year-End-Status Code
This utility assigns or clears the year-end-status codes for the campus or a specific grade level. It also clears the retained reason codes.
Before clearing the codes to start the new school year, ensure that the end-of-year processing and PEIMS submissions have been completed.
01 - Promoted next grade
02 - Retained same grade
03 - Place in the next grade
04 - Placed in transitional program
06 - Promoted from transitional program to regular grade
10 - Not advanced next grade
11 - Advanced next grade
12 - Graduated
13 - Obtained GED
14 - Met requirements but did not pass STAAR/TAKS
15 - Grade 12 but not enough credits to graduate
21 - Status pending - complete summer school
22 - Status pending - other
23 - Left district before - no status (NOTE: Code 23 should be used for withdrawn students to prevent them from being included on the ASDR error report.)
Assign Year-end-status by |
Assign/Clear |
❏ Click Execute.
A message is displayed indicating that the process is complete. Click OK.
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