Charter School Waitlist

Registration > Maintenance > Core Collections > Charter School Waitlist

The Demographic tab lets you update, add or delete Charter School Waitist data.


Update data:

❏ Under Student Information:

Select a student


Type the student's first, middle, and last name. Select a generation code if applicable.

Name Edits

First and last name are required.

Application DateEnter the date the application for the Charter School Waitlist was submitted. This field is required and needs to be entered in YYYYMMDD format.

Select the student's gender.

TWEDS Data Element: SEX-CODE (E0004) (Code table: C013)


The student's date of birth is displayed and cannot be modified.

TWEDS Data Element: DATE-OF-BIRTH (E0006)

Campus ID*

The campus ID to which you logged on is displayed.

TWEDS Data Element: CAMPUS-ID (E0266)

Grd Lvl Applying For

Select the student's grade level (7-12) during the prior school year.

School District of ResidenceEnter the applicant's school district of residence.
CSW IndicatorSelect in order to include the student in the Charter School Waitlist Interchange.
Next Year StudentSelect to indicate whether a newly added student is for next year. This column is disabled for existing students.
EthnicitySelect the applicant's ethnicity.

❏ Under Student Identification:

SSNType the applicant's Social Security Number who is applying for the charter school.
S-NumberType the applicant's 9-digit S-Number.

NOTE: A Social Security Number must be entered in order for the S-Number to extract in State Reporting Interchanges.
Texas Unique Student ID

Type the student's ten-digit unique student ID. This ID is assigned to students by TEA and issued to schools by the TSDS TX Unique ID Application. This ID cannot be generated by an LEA and cannot begin with zero.

If the student does not have a Unique ID, click TSDS Unique ID to connect to the TSDS Unique ID Web Service and obtain an ID. Your LEA must have the appropriate credentials through Texas Education Agency Login (TEAL) before this functionality can be used.

Review the Assign a TSDS Unique ID guide for additional information.

Never Enrolled in TXSelect if the applicant has never been enrolled in a Texas public school.

❏ Under Additional Information:

Other Child(ren) Applying:Select if another/other child(ren) is/are applying to the charter school.
Name(s)Enter the name of the other child(ren) applying to the charter school.
Other Child(ren) AttendingSelect if another child(ren) is enrolled in the charter school.
Name(s)Enter the name of the other child(ren) attending the charter school.
Child of Staff or Board MemberSelect if the student is a child of staff or of a board member.
Name(s)Enter the name of the staff or board member.
If offered AM or PM PreferenceSelect a time of day preference.
Child may qualify for free PKSelect if the child may qualifies for prekindergarten.

❏ Under Primary Guardian Information:

NameEnter the name (first and last) of the primary guardian.
AddressEnter the address (number, street name, apartment, city, state and zip code) of the primary guardian.
Phone NbrEnter the phone number of the primary guardian.
EmailEnter the email address of the primary guardian.
Preferred ContactSelect the primary guardian's preferred method of contact from the drop-down list.

❏ Click Save.