UIL Activity

Registration > Maintenance > Non-Enrolled Student > UIL Activity

This tab allows users to enter UIL Activity information for non-enrolled students.

Update data:

Select a student

❏ Click +Add to add a record.

The fields below the grid are enabled.

UIL Activity CodeSelect the UIL Activity Code from the drop-down menu. A student can have multiple activity codes.

NOTE: A student cannot have a duplicate UIL Activity Code unless one of them has an end date.
CampusSelect the campus from the drop-down menu.
Begin DateType the begin date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.
End DateType the end date using the MMDDYYYY format. Or, click calendar icon to select the date from a calendar.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Trashcan Icon Delete a row.