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District Control

Scheduling > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District > District Control

This tab allows you to maintain scheduling options for the district.

Update settings:

School Year

The next school year is displayed. The field is populated during Annual Student Data Rollover (ASDR) and cannot be changed.

Maximum Scheduling Semesters Allowed

Select the maximum number of semesters for scheduling.


• If all the campuses in the district will use two-semester scheduling, select 2.

• If all campuses in the district will use two-semester scheduling, except the high school will use four-semester scheduling, select 4.

Maximum Course Number Length

The current maximum course number length is displayed.

The following fields are used when increasing the course number length:

New Course Number Length

Select the new maximum course number length to use for scheduling.

Zero Pad Left or Right

Indicate if zeros will be added to the current course numbers on the left or right when the course length is increased (e.g., 1001 becomes either 001001 or 100100). If you have already changed the course number length, L or R is displayed and cannot be changed.

Zero Pad Left or Right

Indicate if zeros will be added to the current course numbers on the left or right when the course length is increased (e.g., 1001 becomes either 001001 or 100100). If you have already changed the course number length, L or R is displayed and cannot be changed.

scheduling/maintenance/masterschedule/district/districtcontrol.1481036337.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/12/06 09:58 (external edit)