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Unmatched Proxy Sections (Trial Scheduling Load)

Scheduling > Maintenance > Master Schedule Generator > Trial Scheduling Load > Unmatched Proxy Sec

This tab generates the Unmatched Sections of Match Proxy Courses report for the scheduling load which lists the match proxies where the section numbers do not match, the courses in the proxy, and the unmatched sections for each course.

A valid match proxy must have the following:

  • Same section
  • Same begin and end periods
  • Different semester
  • Courses that are only included in one match proxy

The report also indicates if any sections have an invalid semester, begin period, or end period.

Print and review the report before accepting the load.

View report:

❏ Enter report criteria:

Match Proxies

Select a proxy, or select All to include all proxies.

❏ Click Retrieve Report.

  • Review, save, or print the report.

scheduling/maintenance/masterschedulegenerator/trialschedulingload/unmatchedproxysec.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by