Student Goals

Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > IEP > Student Goals

This tab allows you to add goals to a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). The goals are selected from a district list maintained on Maintenance > District > IEP Goals Objectives > IEP Goals.

A goal is a subject area in which the student is to be instructed. Each goal is associated with a series of Objectives.

You must select a student before you can access this tab.

Update data:

Select a student

The student's existing goals are displayed.

❏ Click +Add to add a goal.

A pop-up window opens.


Click to select a goal for the student. These goals are maintained by the district on Maintenance > District > IEP Goals Objectives > IEP Goals.

Primary Instructor

Click Ellipsis Icon to select the instructor who is responsible for instruction of the goals and objectives.

Instructional Grade

Type the two-character grade level at which the instruction is targeted.

Instructor Qualification

Select the classification of the primary instructor.

❏ Click OK to close the window.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Spyglass Icon Edit a record.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.