StudentPortal: Set Up and Use StudentPortal

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Welcome ASCENDER StudentPortal!

StudentPortal is a web-based system for students that provides the tools that will help you view your attendance, grades, and assignments, as well as organize and plan your schedule of classes. StudentPortal includes two applications, Student Course Requests and Student Graduation Plan.

Student Course Requests allows you to request courses for the next school year, including alternate courses. Once you submit your course requests, you cannot go back to change them. If you need to make changes, you will need to visit with your counselor.

Student Graduation Plan allows you to view and change your graduation plan, and view and print the summary and detail of your course credits. Graduation plans are for high school-level students only. Any coursework completed prior to the 9th grade will be reflected in the remaining credits needed, which can be viewed through the Credit Summary and Credit Detail pages of the StudentPortal Student Graduation Plan application.

Admin Setup

The following information will assist you in implementing ASCENDER StudentPortal at your campus.

I. Enable/Disable Access

Enable/disable Graduation Plan in StudentPortal.

Enable/disable access to Student Course Requests in StudentPortal.

II. Create StudentPortal Messages

Create the campus welcome message.

Create the alert message.

III. Verify Data

Verify courses by each grade level, restrictions, and period control.

Verify normal period control.

Verify course units and category.

Verify attendance posting codes.