Admin > Elementary Report Cards > Manage Elementary Skills-Based Courses

Manage Elementary Skills-Based Courses page

You must be logged on to TeacherPortal with a district- or campus-level user ID to proceed. You must have selected an elementary campus on the Administrator Options page. Any changes you make will apply to all elementary campuses in the district.

This page allows you to set up grading types, as well as skill sets and associated skills, for producing elementary skills-based report cards. A skill set is a name for a group of related skills. For example, the Work Habits skill set may include skills such as Follows Directions, Works Independently, and Uses Time Wisely.

Grade Type

Maintain a table of grading types that can be used for elementary skills-based report cards, such as E,S,U or +,- or 1,2,3,4,5. The name represents the scores/grades that will be used to evaluate the students.

❏ To add a new grade type, click Add Grade Type.

A pop-up window opens.

Grade Type pop-up window

Enter Grades

❏ Type up to nine grade types, each one having up to three upper-case characters.

Any lower-case characters will be converted to upper-case. The following special characters are allowed: +, -, *, <, >, @, &, #, /, and \.

❏ Click Add (under the Enter Grades fields) to add the grade type to the Grade Type grid.

The new grade type is listed under Name.

❏ Click Save.

delete icon

In the Grade Type grid, delete a grade type if needed.

NOTE: You cannot delete or edit a grade type that is associated with a report card; the Delete button is not displayed.

Available Skill Sets

Create skill sets for elementary skills-based report cards. For each skill set, you will associate a list of specific skills.

❏ To add a new skill set, click Add Skill Set.

A blank row is added to the grid.

Add Skill row added

Skill Set NameType the name of the skill set, up to 50 characters.
Skill Set CountThe total number of skills currently associated with each skill set is displayed.
EditAdd or edit the specific skills associated with the skill set. The Available Skills for Skill Set grid is displayed to the right and lists any skills currently associated with the skill set.
delete icon

In the Available Skill Sets grid, delete a skill set if needed.

Some skill sets are included automatically and cannot be deleted. They are shaded gray and the Delete button is not displayed. However, you can click Edit to add additional skills to the predefined list.

The following skill sets are included automatically:

• Numbers
• Letters
• Letters (including Spanish)
• High-Frequency Word List
• Color Word Recognition
• Rote Counting

❏ Click Save.

Available Skills for Skill Set

Create a list of specific skills to be associated with a skill set.

❏ Click Edit in the Available Skill Sets grid to select a specific skill set.

The Available Skills for Skill Set grid opens on the right.

Add Skills

❏ Click Add Skill to add a skill to the selected skill set.

A blank row is added to the grid.

Skill NameType the name of the skill, up to 50 characters.
DescriptionType a description of the skill as you want it to be displayed on the report card, up to 300 characters. This description is also displayed for the teacher on the Assignment Grades page when hovering the cursor over the skill name.
DeleteFrom the Available Skills for Skill Set grid, delete a skill from the skill set if needed. Some skill sets have skills that are included by default and cannot be deleted.

❏ Click Save.