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❏ Select students:

Select students from all my classes with any class average below:Type the average. All of your students with a working cycle average below this average will be selected.

❏ Click Select.

The Print IPR by Average page is displayed allowing you to indicate your printing preferences.

Print IPR by Average - students selected

bottom half of Print IPR page

All My Classes

Select to print IPRs for the student for all classes you teach in which the student is enrolled. If selected, the default view for the IPR is the summary view.

Select All

Select to apply this option to all students in the selected course-section. If selected for any students, you cannot select This Class for the students.

Detailed View

Select to print the detailed IPR. If not selected, the summary IPR is printed.

The summary IPR only includes the course name, period, current average, and comments.

The detail IPR includes assignments and assignment grades, assignment due dates, posted and calculated average, previously posted cycle averages, comments, grading type, and more.

Select AllSelect to print the detail IPR for all students in the selected course-section.

For each student, select the language in which to print the IPR.

If you select a language other than English, the IPR headings and fields are converted to the selected language; however, the student and course comments are only printed in the selected language if they have been entered in that language in the Student system. User-defined fields are not converted.

IPR Wide Note

(Optional) Type a note to be displayed on all IPRs selected for printing. This note will be appended to any notes entered in the Note field on the IPR Comments page. (Notes entered on the IPR Comments page are student-specific.)

Print Parent Signature LineSelect to print a parent signature line at the bottom of the IPR.

❏ Click Print Selected IPRs.

The Interim Progress Reports page opens. Click Return to IPR Selection to return to this page.

general/print_ipr_by_average_body.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/21 20:17 by jstanford