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❏ Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation codes and descriptions can be verified by running the following report:

Personnel > Reports > Personnel Reports

Create Personnel Report with Classroom Roster elements highlighted

Create Personnel Report with Classroom Roster elements highlighted

The following element from the StaffExtension complex type are included in the Class Roster Winter submission ONLY:

Reported Elements from Personnel Reports:

ElementCode TableData ElementASCENDER Name

NOTE: The expectation for State Reporting is if a staff member is listed as an instructor, they are teaching a course. Since these instructors do not have any sections, they do not extract.
To get them to extract, the staff member needs to be deleted from the Grade reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Instructor tab.

❏ Staff data can be verified by running the following report:

NOTE: For a more accurate list of active employees, run the report from Payroll > Reports > User Created Reports.

Personnel > Reports > User Created Reports

Create User Created Report with Classroom Roster elements highlighted

The following elements from the StaffExtension complex type are included in the Class Roster Fall and Winter submission:

Under Employee Demographic:

  • Texas Unique Staff ID
  • First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Generation
  • Sex
  • DOB
  • Staff ID/SSN
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • American Indian, Asian, African American, Pacific Islander, White

Under Employment:

  • Highest Degree Achieved
  • Yrs Prior Teaching
  • Creditable Year of Service

academy/cr_winter_verify_hr_reports.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/14 13:10 by apape