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academy:classroom_roster [2022/09/06 14:28] apapeacademy:classroom_roster [2024/02/27 19:55] (current) apape
Line 1: Line 1:
-======Core Collection: Class Roster Fall/Winter Submission======+======Core Collection: Class Roster Fall/Winter Submission (Updated 2023-2024)======
 <WRAP box #no-print>{{:images:printer.png|printer icon}}[[:academy:classroom_roster?do=export_pdf&toclevels=2-3&book_title=Core+Collection:+Class+Roster+Fall/Winter+Submission|Click here to generate a PDF of this guide]]. <WRAP box #no-print>{{:images:printer.png|printer icon}}[[:academy:classroom_roster?do=export_pdf&toclevels=2-3&book_title=Core+Collection:+Class+Roster+Fall/Winter+Submission|Click here to generate a PDF of this guide]].
Line 6: Line 6:
 <WRAP round intro>The Class Roster Fall/Winter Submissions collect organization, staff identification and demographics, class assignment, student identification and demographics, and class enrollment data.\\  \\   <WRAP round intro>The Class Roster Fall/Winter Submissions collect organization, staff identification and demographics, class assignment, student identification and demographics, and class enrollment data.\\  \\  
 VCV **Fall Class Roster** VCV **Fall Class Roster**
-  *As-Of-Date: September 302022 +  *As-Of-Date: September 292023 
-  *Submission Due Date: October 202022+  *Submission Due Date: October 192023
   *Grades 01 - 12\\   *Grades 01 - 12\\
 VCV **Winter Class Roster** VCV **Winter Class Roster**
-  *As-Of-Date: February 242023 +  *As-Of-Date: February 232024 
-  *Submission Due Date: March 302023+  *Submission Due Date: March 282024
   *Grades EE - 12\\  \\   *Grades EE - 12\\  \\
 <WRAP box> <WRAP box>
 **NOTE:** Service ID restrictions for Summer PEIMS  apply to this submission. (See PEIMS edit 30305-0004.)\\ **NOTE:** Service ID restrictions for Summer PEIMS  apply to this submission. (See PEIMS edit 30305-0004.)\\
-**New for 2022-2023 Class Roster Fall and Winter**:\\ +**New for 2023-2024 Class Roster Fall**:\\ 
- +VCV **ADDED RULE 10020-0070**: Campus data must be provided for each campus registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus serving any of the grade levels "01"-"12".\\ \\ 
-VCV STAFF-TYPE-CODE (E1073) (Code Table C181) indicates if the staff person is on the district payroll or is a contracted instructional staff person (instructional and non-instructional).\\  +VCV **REMOVED RULE 10020-0003**: Campus data must be provided for each campus registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus.\\ Campus data must be reported for each campus registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus
- +\\ \\ 
-**Staff Type 4**: Indicates a teacher employed at the in-district charter campus by an organization that has been granted a campus charter under TEC, Chapter 12, Subchapter C and is eligible for benefits under TEC, §11.174 and 11.147(b)+**New for 2023-2024 Class Roster Winter**:\\ 
-<div indent> +VCV **RULE:** For a student school association being reported for the Charter School Waitlist collection, ENTRY-GRADE-LEVEL-TYPE must not be blank.
-  1 - School District or Charter School Employee +
-  Contracted Professional Staff +
-  In-District Charter Prtnr Campus Teacher +
-</div> +
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 =====Prerequisites=====  =====Prerequisites===== 
Line 46: Line 44:
 ====Grade Reporting==== ====Grade Reporting====
 +  * ++Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_grade_reporting_distsched&inline}}++
   * ++Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Course|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_grade_reporting_course&inline}}++   * ++Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Course|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_grade_reporting_course&inline}}++
   * ++Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_grade_reporting_section&inline}}++   * ++Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_grade_reporting_section&inline}}++
Line 55: Line 54:
   * ++Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_hr_demo&inline}}++   * ++Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_hr_demo&inline}}++
   * ++Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Credentials|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_hr_credentials&inline}}++   * ++Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Credentials|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_hr_credentials&inline}}++
 +  * ++Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Responsibility|{{page>academy:cr_winter_personnel_staffdemo_responsibility&inline}}++
   * ++Personnel > Maintenance > Employment Info|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_hr_employment_info&inline}}++   * ++Personnel > Maintenance > Employment Info|{{page>academy:cr_winter_verify_hr_employment_info&inline}}++
   * ++Personnel > Utilities > Mass Update > Employee|{{page>academy:cr_winter_mass_update&inline}}++   * ++Personnel > Utilities > Mass Update > Employee|{{page>academy:cr_winter_mass_update&inline}}++
academy/classroom_roster.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/27 19:55 by apape