Core Collection: Early Childhood Data System - PK Submission (Updated 2023-2024)

The Early Childhood Data System (ECDS) collection is one of the TSDS Core Collections. This guide covers the submission of prekindergarten (PK) data. (Kindergarten data is submitted separately.) The reporting of PK program data for ECDS is mandatory for all public school districts. The reporting of private PK program data is optional.

LEAs are required to submit specific demographic, classroom link, and special program data elements for the ECDS PK collection. All elements will be submitted in the PEIMS Summer Collection.

The ECDS PK submission is due June 27, 2024.

NOTE: The assessment vendor will provide the ECDS PK assessment data directly to LEAs in TWEDS-compliant XML format. LEAs will load the assessment data files into TSDS.

Extract Rules and Edits for 2023-2024

IMPORTANT: Each LEA will have unique situations. Some of the dates, images, and examples provided in this document are for informational and instructional purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA's process.




Hard-coded elements

I. Verify ASCENDER Business Data

Verify data for each element in the ASCENDER Personnel application. It is suggested that you run reports first, and then use the maintenance pages in the Personnel application to update data where needed.


  • Personnel Reports
  • Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information
  • Personnel > Tables > Credential > Teaching Specialization
  • Personnel > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Credentials

II. Verify ASCENDER Student Data

Verify data for each element in the ASCENDER Student applications. It is suggested that you run reports first, and then use the maintenance pages in the Student applications to update data where needed.

Grade Reporting

  • Grade Reporting Reports
  • Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section
  • Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Crs Assign


  • Registration Reports
  • Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > District Maintenance > State Reporting
  • Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1
  • Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo2
  • Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > W/R Enroll
  • Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd
  • Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Bil/ESL
  • Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > PK Enroll

III. Verify Data and Create XML File