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State Reporting > Utilities > Import External File

Some districts may update data in TSDS tables from a text flat file created outside ASCENDER where each row in the file corresponds to a TSDS record.

The only TSDS record types available for importing are:

  • Organization-District (010) (10010 - LocalEducationAgencyExtension complex type)
  • Organization-Campus (020) (10020 - SchoolExtension complex type)
  • Finance-Budget (030) (20030 - BudgetExtension complex type)
  • Finance-Actual (032) (20032 - ActualExtension complex type) (not used for Submission 1)
  • Finance-SSA Actual (033) (20033 - SharedServiceArrangementExtension complex type) (not used for Submission 1)

IMPORTANT! Only these record types can be imported. All other records are skipped.

File layout

Import External File utility page


Click Browse to select the file to import.

The first letter of the filename indicates the submission period and must be one the following in order to be imported:

F (fall)
M (mid-year)
S (summer)
E (extended)

Once a file has been selected the Import button is enabled.

Import utility page with Import button enabled

Click Import.

When the import is complete, results are displayed, including counts of errors, records read, records skipped, and records by type.

Import Completed

Valid records are imported. Records marked with errors are not imported.

Correct any errors, and then run the Delete Tables utility to clear out the imported data; otherwise duplicate record errors will occur when you attempt to import a second time for the valid records that were imported originally.

Print ReportClick to print the PEIMS Import External File Report.
Records that resulted in an error are listed. The line number in the file corresponding to the record that caused an error is displayed in the first column, and the record itself is displayed in the second column. A summary of the import is printed on the last page of the report.
Import report

Contact the TSDS PEIMS Coordinator at your regional education service center for further assistance.

academy/fall_import.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/23 13:28 by apape