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A graduate is a student who met graduation requirements by August 31.

A leaver is a student who was enrolled at least one day at a Texas public school in grade level 7-12 during the prior year and did not enroll in a Texas public school the following Fall by the end of the school start window due to a specific reason defined by the leaver reason code table (C162).

A No Show is a student who did not withdraw last year but is not attending this year.

Ensure that all data is accurate for graduates, leavers, and No Shows.

  • If the student has a prior year leaver tracking record only, update the existing record; do not add a new record. This record is extracted.

  • If the student has a current year No Show record only, update the No Show record once the correct code is determined. You do not need to create a record on the Prior Year Leaver Tracking page. The No Show record is extracted unless the student has a re-entry date within the school start window.

  • If a student has a prior year leaver tracking record and a current year No Show record, only the leaver record is extracted. Update only the leaver record; do not add a new leaver record. Do not update the current year No Show record.


Leaver data is reported for all students who were in grade level 7-12 in the prior year and were withdrawn or No Show in the current year, except for those who earned a GED, enrolled in another district in the school-start window, or were otherwise accounted for.

Graduation data is reported for all students who graduated during the prior school year, including summer graduates up through August 31.

  • No Show students
  • Leaver tracking
academy/fall_submission_verify_reg_leavers_no_shows.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 07:43 by