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Job Info tab with StaffExtension elements highlighted

❏ CAMPUS-ID Primary Campus (E0266) is the unique campus identification number registered with the TEA.

Interchange: StaffAssociationExtension
Complex Type: StaffExtension

Description: Represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.

The following element from the StaffExtension complex type is included in Submission 3:

❏ STAFF-TYPE-CODE Pay Type (E1073) (Code table: C181) indicates if the staff person is on the district payroll or is a contracted instructional staff person. For Submission 3, all classroom teachers must be reported.

Interchange: StaffAssociationExtension
Complex Type: StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtension

Description: Represents the education organization an employee, contractor, volunteer or other service provider is formally associated with, typically indicated by which organization the staff member has a services contract with or receives their compensation.

Only staff with ROLE-ID 047 (Substitute Teacher) or 087 (Teacher) are required to be submitted in Submission 3.

The following element from the StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtension complex type is included in Submission 3:

❏ NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED Calendar/Local Info - # of Days Empld (E0160) is the actual number of at-work days within the school year the person is scheduled to work in the district. This number does not include holidays, weekends, and any other days the employee is not scheduled to work. If a person does not work the same amount of days as shown on the contract (e.g., the person does not begin work at the start of the school year), the actual number of days the employee will work must be reported. If a workday calendar is set up on HR > Tables > Workday Calendars, the # of Days Empld field is set according to the selected calendar. If a calendar is not set up, the # of Days Empld field is determined by the Begin Date and End Date fields on the Job Info tab, or can be manually entered.

academy/summer_submission_verify_hr_job.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/15 07:43 by