ASCENDER State Reporting - TSDS PEIMS Summer 2018 Submission

The ASCENDER State Reporting application provides programs to extract the appropriate data for each collection from the ASCENDER Business and Student systems. These programs are reviewed and modified annually, per the published Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS), to ensure that the data extracted to the district database is as accurate as possible. The extracts provide many of the edits as defined in the TEDS.

The TSDS PEIMS Summer Collection (Collection 3) includes yearlong student attendance (regular and flexible), including the required calendar minutes reporting, as well as program data, course completions, disciplinary actions, student restraints, Title I Part A participation, course-sections, instructor class assignments/staff data, and Foundation High School Program participation data.

The extract programs create the appropriate records in the district database, taking into account the school-start window and the as-of date. The as-of status code is automatically generated for each student record.

Staff data can be extracted from the Business system, the Student system, or both.

For a complete list of extract rules and edits for 2017-2018, see



Checklist Overview

Checklist Overview:

Before You Extract Data

  1. Verify State Reporting options.
  2. Clear data from the previous year.

Verify ASCENDER Data

Verify data for each element in the ASCENDER Student and Business applications. It is suggested that you run reports first, and then use the maintenance pages to update data where needed.

Common Elements

Common elements

Category: Organization

  1. Interchange: EducationOrganization
  2. Interchange: MasterSchedule
  3. Interchange: EducationOrgCalendar

Category: Student

For Submission 3, if the student is in membership in the LEA (served at least two hours per day), report any student who was served any time during the school year.

  1. Interchange: StudentExtension
  2. Interchange: StudentEnrollmentExtension
  3. Interchange: StudentProgramExtension
  4. Interchange: StudentAttendanceExtension
  5. Interchange: StudentTranscriptExtension
  6. Interchange: StudentDisciplineExtension
  7. Interchange: StudentRestraintEventExtension

Category: Staff

For Submission 3, data is reported for staff with ROLE-IDs 033 (Educational Aide assigned to a Prekindergarten Course Section), 047 (Substitute Teacher), and 087 (Teacher).

  1. Interchange: StaffAssociationExtension

Extract or Import Data

  1. Complete the summer extract and monitor status.
  2. Or, import data from an external file.

After you Extract Data

  1. Verify and update frozen organization data.
  2. Check for audit red flags.
  3. Correct frozen data.
  4. Run extract reports.
  5. Create XML file.