The State Reporting application provides programs to extract the appropriate data for each collection from the Business and Student systems. These programs are reviewed and modified annually, per the published Texas Web-Enabled Data Standards (TWEDS), to ensure that the data extracted to the district database is as accurate as possible. The extracts provide many of the edits as defined in the TWEDS.
The PEIMS extended submission (Submission 4) includes program data for instructional activities between school years for special education, extended year services (ESY), student data, student flexible attendance for credit recovery, and dual-credit course completion.
The Extended Year submission is due August 29, 2024.
IMPORTANT: Each LEA will have unique situations. Some of the dates, images, and examples provided in this document are for informational and instructional purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA's process.
TIP: How to review, save or print a report.
Review the report using the following buttons:
Click to go to the first page of the report.
Click to go back one page.
Click to go forward one page.
Click to go to the last page of the report.
The report can be viewed and saved in various file formats.
Click to save and print the report in PDF format.
Click to save and print the report in CSV format. (This option is not available for all reports.) When a report is exported to the CSV format, the report headers may not be included.
Click to close the report window. Some reports may have a Close Report, Exit, or Cancel button instead.
❏ Verify and update State Reporting options.
❏ Clear all previous data.
❏ Verify data in ASCENDER (Attendance, Grade Reporting, Registration, and Special Ed).
❏ Extract the data. Or, import data from an external file.
❏ Update frozen Organization data as needed.
❏ Update extracted extended data as needed.
❏ Run extended extract reports, and verify report data.
❏ Create the State Reporting Interchanges xml file.
State Reporting > Options
❏ Verify that the following are set correctly:
Submission Year | For the 2023-2024 school year, the field must be set to 2024. |
Local Program for Additional Days School Year |
Type or click |
Local Program for Dyslexia Reporting |
Local Program for Early College High School Reporting |
ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE (E1560) (S1, S3, S4) |
Local Program for IGC Reporting |
Local Program for Intervention Strategy |
Local Program for New Tech |
Local Program for Pathways in Technology |
P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE (E1612) (S1, S3, S4) |
Local Program for Section 504 |
Local Program for T-STEM Academy Reporting |
T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE (E1559) (S1, S3, S4) |
State Reporting > Utilities > Delete/Clear PEIMS Tables
Prior to extracting any data, previous data must be cleared from the Extended collection ONLY. The Delete/Clear Tables utility allows you to delete all selected previous year data from the frozen file. Use this utility very carefully.
Be sure all TSDS activities are coordinated so that one group’s data is not inadvertently overwritten.
Organization data is manually updated and should not be deleted.
❏ Select the Extended Collection group box heading which will select all check boxes.
❏ Click Delete.
❏ Click OK to continue.
Verify data for each element in the ASCENDER Student application. It is suggested that you run reports first, and then use the maintenance pages to update data where needed.
Hard-coded and calculated elements
The following elements are either hard-coded in or calculated by the software. Hard coded values are built into the program, are the same each time they are extracted, and cannot be changed by the user. Calculated values are determined by the program and can be changed if source data is updated or changed.
Element | Data Element |
E0266 | CAMPUS-ID |
E0001 | STUDENT-ID |
Attendance > Maintenance > Addtnl Days Program > ADSY Options
This page allows you to set create a track that will be used at the campus for the Additional Days Program.
NOTE: Tracks cannot be duplicated.
❏ Click Add.
❏ Type the new 2-digit track number in the Track field. This number cannot be a regular attendance track.
❏ Enter a program description for the track in the Description field.
❏ Enter a number of minutes in the Instructional Minutes field.
❏ Click Save or click Cancel to return.
Track | (Required) Select the attendance track. |
Description | Type a description of the track, up to 50 characters. This description will appear in the Track field drop-down list on most Attendance > Maintenance > Addtnl Days Program pages. |
Instructional Minutes | (Required) The minimum number of minutes that can be entered is 120. When the Instructional Minutes are entered in this field and saved, the daily Instructional Minutes in the table will populate and be editable. |
❏ Enter the dates of the program in the Calendar Date fields up to 30 days.
❏ Click Delete to delete a track from ADSY reporting.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Students > SAT3000 ADSY Student Attendance Report
SAT3000 will review and verify a student's Additional Days School Year attendance.
Attendance > Reports > Attendance Reports > Audit > SAT3001 ADSY Campus/District Summary
SAT3001 will verify the in-person, remote synchronous and asynchronous data to provide student totals.
Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0050 - District Master List (Grd Rpting)
SGR0050 lists every course in the district master schedule for the school year. Verify applicable data for each dual-credit course offered in the summer.
Grade Reporting Reports > Master Schedules > SGR0100 - Master Schedule (Grd Rpting)
SGR0100 lists every course-section in the campus master schedule. Verify all applicable data for each dual-credit course-section offered in the summer.
Grade Reporting > Reports > Create Grade Reporting Report
Data can be verified by creating a customized report. Select the fields for the various elements, and click Create Report.
Reported Elements from District Schedule:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0724 | C022 | SERVICE-ID | Service ID |
E0948 | C135 | COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE | Crs Seq |
E1056 | —- | CLASS-ID-NUMBER | —- |
Reported Elements from Section:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0948 | C135 | COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE | Crs Seq |
E0721 | C021 | ROLE_ID | Role ID |
E0724 | C022 | SERVICE-ID | Service ID |
E1056 | —- | CLASS-ID-NUMBER | —- |
E0747 | C030 | POPULATION-SERVED-CODE | Pop Srvd |
E1055 | C179 | CLASS-TYPE-CODE | Class Type |
Registration > Reports > Create Registration Report
Data in the Student category can be verified for students by creating a customized report in Registration. Select the fields for the various elements, and click Create Report.
Special Education > Reports > Create Special Ed CY Report
Data in the Student category can be verified for students in the ESY program by creating a customized report in Special Education. Select the fields for the various elements, and click Create Report.
Registration Reports > Program > SRG1200 - Student Status Changes by Program
SRG1200 provides a list of student status in all programs. Set the Print Enroll Records parameter to Y. Use the report to verify eligibility, attribution code, and campus of residence.
Run SRG1200 with the Print Gifted/Talented Records parameter set to Y and leave other program parameters blank. Review and correct data.
Registration Reports > Student > SRG1800 - Enrollment by District of Residence
SRG1800 provides a list of students who were enrolled during the selected attendance cycle, grouped by district of residence. Use the report to verify campus ID of residence (CIR).
Reported Elements from Expanded Learning (ELO):
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1614 | C218 | ELO-TYPE-CODE | Type |
E1719 | C229 | ELO-ACTIVITY-CODE | Activity Code |
E1720 | —- | ELO-DAYS-SCHEDULED-PER-YEAR | Days/Year |
Registration > Reports > Registration Reports > Program > SRG0100 - Campus Information
❏ See the Campus Expanded Learning Opportunities ELO section of the report.
Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) are structured learning programs outside of the regular school day, including before and after school programs and summer programs.
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0703 | C218 | FIRST-NAME | Name - First |
E0704 | —- | MIDDLE-NAME | Name - Middle |
E0705 | —- | LAST-NAME | Name - Last |
EE0706 | C012 | GENERATION-CODE | Name - Gen |
E001 | —- | STUDENT-ID | SSN |
E1523 | —- | TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID | Texas Unique Student |
E0004 | C013 | SEX-CODE | Sex |
E0006 | —- | DATE-OF-BIRTH | DOB |
E1064 | C088 | HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE | Hispanic/Latino |
E1063 | C088 | WHITE-CODE | White |
E1061 | C088 | BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE | Black/African American |
E1060 | C088 | ASIAN-CODE | Asian |
E1059 | C088 | AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE | American Indian/ Alaskan Native |
E1062 | C088 | NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE | Hawaiian/Pacific Isl |
E1528 | C196 | FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE | Foster Care |
E0782 | —- | CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT | —- |
E0017 | C050 | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE | Grade |
E1000 | C161 | STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE | Attribution Cd |
E0903 | —- | CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE | Camp ID Resid |
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
Reported Elements from Local Programs:
NOTE: ECHS, T-STEM, P-TECH, and any needed crisis codes should be set up as local programs on Registration > Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Local Program Codes. The student should have a row in the Local Programs for TEA group box where Local Program set to the local code that is applicable to the student.
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1560 | C088 | ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE | —- |
E1559 | C088 | T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE | —- |
E1612 | C088 | P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE | —- |
E1054 | C178 | CRISIS-CODE | —- |
Special Education > Reports > Create Special Ed CY Report
Data can be verified by creating a customized report. Select the applicable fields and click Create Report.
This element is extracted from the Special Ed application, but is maintained on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd.
Reported Elements from Demographic Data:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E0173 | C035 | INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE | Instruction Setting Code |
Reported Elements from Program Information:
Element | Code Table | Data Element | ASCENDER Name |
E1013 | —- | TOTAL-ESY-CONTACT-HRS-IN-INSTR-SETTING | Extended School Year Services Hours |
If you do not extract your data, skip this section.
State Reporting > Extracts > Extended
If you are running the Extended School Year (ESY) services extract, all existing ESY data in State Reporting is deleted. If you are running the Bilingual/ESL Summer School Program extract, all bilingual/ESL summer school indicators in State Reporting are set to 0. After the extracts have run, all demographic records in State Reporting for students who are not coded ESY or bilingual/ESL summer school are deleted.
If you are running the Additional Days School Year Program (ADSY) extract, when selected, this option will create the student demographic, basic attendance, and special education attendance for students participating in the Additional Days School Year Program. It will also create the staff demographic and responsibility records for a teacher with role ID 087 and 047 teaching a designed Additional Days School Year course with at least one enrolled student who is participating in the Additional Days School Year Program.
Info |
School Year Selection |
Programs and Services |
❏ Click Run to extract the selected records.
A message is displayed indicating that the extract is complete.
Print ADSY | If ADSY data was extracted, click to view the ADSY report.
Print Bil/ESL | If bilingual/ESL data was extracted, click to view the ESY Error report.
Print ESY | If ESY data was extracted, click to view the ESY Summary report.
❏ Correct data and rerun the extract until there are no FATAL errors.
State Reporting > Utilities > Import External File
Some districts may update data in TSDS tables from a text flat file created outside ASCENDER where each row in the file corresponds to a TSDS record. The only TSDS record types available for importing for Submission 4 are:
All other records are skipped.
See online Help for file layout.
File |
Click Browse to select the file to import.
The first letter of the filename indicates the submission period and must be one the following in order to be imported:
❏ Click Import.
When the import is complete, results are displayed, including counts of errors, records read, records skipped, and records by type.
Valid records are imported. Records marked with errors are not imported.
Correct any errors, and then run the Delete Tables utility to clear out the imported data; otherwise duplicate record errors will occur when you attempt to import a second time for the valid records that were imported originally.
Print Report | Click to print the PEIMS Import External File Report.
Records that resulted in an error are listed. The line number in the file corresponding to the record that caused an error is displayed in the first column, and the record itself is displayed in the second column. A summary of the import is printed on the last page of the report. |
Contact the TSDS PEIMS Coordinator at your regional education service center for further assistance.
NOTE: Organization data is always maintained from the Organization maintenance pages; there is no extract.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Organization > County District
❏ Update data for the LocalEducationAgencyExtension complex type as needed. For Submission 4, only District ID and District Name are required.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Organization > Campus ID
❏ Update data for the School complex type as needed. For Submission 4, only Campus (ID) and Campus Name are required.
You may find extracted or merged records containing incomplete or inaccurate information. Use the Extended maintenance pages to update and correct the data saved in the district database (i.e., frozen data).
Data on the maintenance pages is updated every time data is extracted, including data that is manually entered.
NOTE: You cannot maintain data on maintenance pages while running an extract; a warning message is displayed on the Extended maintenance page indicating that the extract is in progress, and the Save button is disabled.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Extended > Student > Demo
❏ Update data for the StudentExtension and StudentProgramExtension complex types as needed.
NOTE: If you are retrieving a student who was not extracted but was included in the PEIMS Summer Submission, the following message is displayed when you retrieve the student:
Student demo record retrieved from Summer file
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
District Admin > Maintenance > Non-Employee | ||
Staff Type | STAFF-TYPE-CODE (E1073) (Code table: C181) | Extracted as 1 unless a non-employee record exists |
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information | ||
Name - First | FIRST-NAME (E0703) | Legal - First |
Name - Middle | MIDDLE-NAME (E0704) | Legal - Middle |
Name - Last | LAST-NAME (E0705) | Legal - Last |
Generation | GENERATION-CODE (E0706) (Code table: C012) | Legal - Generation |
TX Unique Staff ID | TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID (E1524) | Texas Unique Staff ID |
Date of Birth | DATE-OF-BIRTH (E0006) | DOB |
Sex | SEX-CODE (E0004) (Code table: C013) | Sex |
Hispanic | HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE (E1064) (Code table: C088) | Hispanic/Latino |
Races - American Indian | AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE (E1059) (Code table: C088) | |
Races - Asian | ASIAN-CODE (E1060) (Code table: C088) | |
Races - Black | BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE (E1061) (Code table: C088) | |
Races - Pacific Islander | NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE (E1062) (Code table: C088) | |
Races - White | WHITE-CODE (E1063) (Code table: C088) | |
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Employment Info | ||
Percent of Day | PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED (E0760) | Percent Day Employed |
District Years | YEARS-EXPERIENCE-IN-DISTRICT (E0161) | Years Experience - Professional - In District |
Total Years | TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE Years (E0130) | Experience - Professional - Total |
Highest Degree | HIGHEST-DEGREE-LEVEL-CODE (E0730) (Code table: C015) | Highest Degree |
Auxiliary Role ID | AUXILIARY-ROLE-ID PEIMS (E1594) (Code table: C213) | Auxiliary Role ID |
Human Resources > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info | ||
Days Employed | NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED (E0160) | Calendar/Local Info - # of Days Empld |
You must manually enter course completion data for dual-credit courses taken in summer.
In submission 4, one StudentAcademicRecord complex type must be submitted for each unique class (course-section) that was attended by a student during the summer (between school years) for the purpose of attempting to earn dual credit.
PEIMS Extended Year Submission (4): Reporting students that completed courses during the summer (between school years) for:
NOTE: You cannot report more than six course completion records per student.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Extended > Student > Course Completion
❏ Update data for the CourseTranscriptExtension and StudentAcademicRecord complex types as needed.
Campus ID |
CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (E0782) For submission 4, this is the campus that scheduled and/or awarded the high school credit for the dual-credit course attempted by the student in the summer between school years. |
Class ID |
Service ID |
SERVICE-ID (E0724) |
Course Sequence |
Pass/Fail |
Dual Credit |
College Credit Hrs |
ATC | ATC-INDICATOR-CODE ATC (E1058) PEIMS code table: C088 For Submission 4, the field must be 0 (i.e., not selected). |
Course Completion |
Begin Date |
End Date |
❏ Click Save.
For Submission 4, you must report actual contact hours by instructional setting of special education students served in the Extended School Year (ESY) program. This data is required for funding the program. A record must be reported for each special education student served by the ESY program.
State Reporting > Maintenance> Extended > ESY
❏ Update data for the StudentESYProgramAssociationExtension complex type as needed.
State Reporting Field | Element | ASCENDER Field(s) |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1 | ||
Grade | GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (E0017) (Code table: C050) | Grade |
Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Demographic Data | ||
Instr Set | INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (E0173) (Code table: C035) | Instruction Setting Code |
Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Current Year > Program Information | ||
ESY Total Hrs | TOTAL-ESY-CONTACT-HOURS-IN-INSTR-SETTING (E1013) | Extended School Year Services Hours |
Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment (Directory) | ||
Local ID | LOCAL-STUDENT-ID (E0923) | Campus ID plus student ID (most current campus of enrollment for the school year) |
Manually enter flexible attendance data for the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) Credit/Promotion Recovery Program as needed.
The following fields are displayed on all three Flex Att tabs:
Campus |
Grade |
Track |
Report Period |
REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) For Submission 4, only codes 7 and 8 are allowed. |
Flexible Attendance Program |
FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE (E1045) For Submission 4, this must be set to 3-OFSDP Credit Recovery Program. |
Days Taught |
NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) For Submission 4, this must be reported as 30 days. |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Extended > Flex Att
❏ Manually add data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
Eligible Minutes Present |
Ineligible Minutes Present |
PRS Days |
Special Ed Days |
Bilingual ESL Days |
G/T |
Primary Disability | |
Multiply Disability |
EB |
Local ID |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Extended > Flex Att Spec Ed
❏ Manually add data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed for special education students.
Instructional Setting Instructional Setting 2 Instructional Setting 3 |
INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (E0173) (Extended ESY only) Rule 42408-0003: The following instructional settings in the drop-down field are not eligible for extended school year services: 31, 32, 34, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 71. |
Eligible Days Eligible Days 2 Eligible Days 3 |
Excess Minutes Excess Minutes 2 Excess Minutes 3 |
If the student was provided instruction in more than one instructional setting, add data for the additional instructional settings.
State Reporting > Maintenance > Extended > Flex Att CTE
❏ Manually add data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed for CTE students.
CTE Minutes Present |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Extended > Staff > Demo and Experience
Manually add data for the StaffExtension and PayrollExtension complex type as needed.
The StaffExtension complex represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion. This information can be entered manually or extracted from ASCENDER Human Resources or imported from another source.
The PayrollExtension complex represents the sum of the financial transactions to date for employee compensation. An “employee” who performs services under the direction of the employing institution or agency, is compensated for such services by the employer, and is eligible for employee benefits and wage or salary tax withholdings.
❏ Under Demographic Information:
First Name |
FIRST-NAME (E0703) |
Middle Name |
Last Name |
LAST-NAME (E0705) |
Generation |
TX Unique Staff ID |
Date of Birth |
Sex |
SEX-CODE (E0004) |
Hispanic |
Races |
Code table: C088
❏ Under Experience:
Staff Type |
District Years |
Total Years |
Highest Degree |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Extended > Staff > Classroom Responsibilities
Update data for the StaffResponsibilitiesExtension complex type as needed for services that occur inside the classroom.
The StaffResponsibilitiesExtension complex reflects the assignments for professional and paraprofessional staff only. Multiple records are required for persons who perform duties on more than one campus, assume more than one role, and/or perform more than one type of service. By definition, if no staff responsibility record is reported, the assumption is made that the person is an auxiliary staff member.
District |
Campus | |
Role ID |
ROLE-ID (E0721) |
Service ID |
SERVICE-ID (E0724) |
Class ID |
Class Type |
Pop Served |
Nbr of Students |
Manually enter ADSY attendance data for the Additional Days School Year Program as needed.
The following fields are displayed on the ADSY tabs:
Campus |
Track |
Report Period |
REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (E0934) For Submission 4, only codes 7 and 8 are allowed. |
Days Taught |
NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (E0935) For Submission 4, this must be reported as 30 days. |
Grade |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Extended > Student > ADSY Basic Att
Update data for the BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
The BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex represents the recording of a student's regular reporting period attendance.
Total Days Absent | Type the number of days during the specified Report Period on which the student was absent, up to four digits. |
Elig Days Present | Type the number of days the student was present and eligible for Foundation School Program funding during the specified Report Period, up to four digits. |
RS Elig Days Present | Type the number of days the student was Remote Synchronous (RS) present and eligible for Foundation School Program funding during the specified Report Period, up to four digits. |
RA Elig Days Present | Type the number of days the student was Remote Asynchronous (RA) present and eligible for Foundation School Program funding during the specified Report Period, up to four digits. |
Bil ESL Days |
RS Bil ESL Days | RA-TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT (E1683) Type the total number of days the student was Remote Asynchronous (RA) present and an eligible participant in the state-approved bilingual/ESL program during the specified Report Period. |
RA Bil ESL Days | RA-TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT (E1683) Type the total number of days the student was Remote Asynchronous (RA) present and an eligible participant in the state-approved bilingual/ESL program during the specified Report Period. |
PRS Days |
RS PRS Days |
RA PRS Days |
Spec Ed Mains Days | TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT (E0940) Type the total number of days the student was present during the specified Report Period and had a special education individualized education program (IEP), which provided for the mainstream instructional arrangement/setting. |
RS Spec Ed Mains Days | RS-TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT (E1688) Type the total number of days the student was Remote Synchronous (RS) present during the specified Report Period and had a special education individualized education program (IEP), which provided for the mainstream instructional arrangement/setting. |
RA Spec Ed Mains Days | RA-TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT (E1689) Type the total number of days the student was Remote Asynchronous (RA) present during the specified Report Period and had a special education individualized education program (IEP), which provided for the mainstream instructional arrangement/setting. |
Res Fac Days | TOTAL-ELIG-RESIDENTIAL-FACILITY-DAYS-PRESENT (E1652) Type the total number of days the student was present and eligible for LEA services in a Residential Facility during a particular reporting period. |
RS Res Fac Days | RS-TOTAL-ELIG-RESIDENTIAL-FACILITY-DAYS-PRESENT (E1684) Type the total number of days the student was Remote Synchronous (RS) present and eligible for LEA services in a Residential Facility during a particular reporting period. |
RA Res Fac Days | RA-TOTAL-ELIG-RESIDENTIAL-FACILITY-DAYS-PRESENT (E1685) Type the total number of days the student was Remote Asynchronous (RA) present and eligible for LEA services in a Residential Facility during a particular reporting period. |
Local ID |
Bil ESL Fund | BILINGUAL/ESL-FUNDING-CODE (E1651) Code table: C225 Indicate the language program in which the student participates during the reporting period. |
RS Bil ESL Fund | RS-BILINGUAL/ESL-FUNDING-CODE (E1680) Code table: C225 Indicate the Remote Synchronous (RS) language program in which the student participates during the reporting period. |
RA Bil ESL Fund | RA-BILINGUAL/ESL-FUNDING-CODE (E1681) Code table: C225 Indicate the Remote Asynchronous (RA) language program in which the student participates during the reporting period. |
State Reporting > Maintenance > Extended > Student > ADSY Spec Ed Att
Update data for the SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex type as needed.
The SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension complex represents the recording of attendance for a student's special programs reporting period.
Instructional Setting |
RS Instructional Setting |
RA Instructional Setting |
Eligible Days Present | ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (E0944) Type the number of days the student was eligible and present in a designated instructional setting during the selected reporting period. This is calculated as the total number of days the student was enrolled in special education in a particular instructional setting minus the number of days the student was absent. |
Excess Hours | EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING (E0945) Type the number of hours above the allowable six hours per day of combined CTE and special education and related services in a designated instructional setting during a particular reporting period. The Foundation School funding for LEAs is limited to six contact hours per day per student. |
Code table: C067 |
District of RDSPD Service | Type the county-district number for the district providing RDSPD services to the student. |
State Reporting > Reports > Extended
Once you have completed the extract, run the reports and review the data for accuracy. If necessary, correct the data and rerun the reports.
❏ Run each summer submission report, and verify that data is accurate per the current year audit reports.
❏ Print the final reports for your records.
State Reporting > Utilities > Create TSDS PEIMS Interchanges
This utility creates interchanges from the data in the State Reporting tables. You can create all of the interchanges at once, or you can individually select the interchange you wish to create.
You must submit the created interchanges in the following order:
1. Education Organization
2. Education Organization Calendar
3. Student
4. Student Enrollment
5. Staff Association
6. Student Program
7. Master Schedule
8. Student Attendance
9. Student Transcript
Complex Type Name | ADSYP | Bil/ESL Prog | ESY | Dual Credit | OFSDP |
InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
InterchangeEducationOrgCalendar | Y | ||||
InterchangeMasterScheduleExtension | Y | ||||
InterchangeStudentExtension | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension | Y | ||||
InterchangeStudentAttendanceExtension | Y | Y | |||
InterchangeStudentTranscriptExtension | Y | ||||
InterchangeStudentProgramExtension | Y | Y | Y |
Collection |
Select the submission period. For example, select Exyr1 if this is the first extended submission. If you are resubmitting extended data, select Exyr2. |
Ending School Year | (Display only) The submission year as entered in the Submission Year field on State Reporting > Options is displayed. |
The interchanges are listed according to the Collection field.
❏ Select All Collection Interchanges (e.g., All Extended Interchanges) to create all interchanges for the selected collection period.
❏ Or, select the individual interchange you want to create.
Selected Students |
The field is enabled if you selected all interchanges or a student-related interchange. Type or click the ellipsis to select the students for whom you want to create an interchange. Separate multiple students (Texas unique student IDs) with a comma (e.g., 6895409515,1628657282,2986961713). Leave blank to select all students. |
Selected Staff | The field is enabled if you selected all interchanges or a staff-related interchange. Type or click the ellipsis to select the employees for whom you want to create an interchange. Separate multiple employees (Texas unique staff IDs) with a comma (e.g., 4732877094,2568052155). Leave blank to select all staff. |
❏ Click Run.
When the process is complete, you are prompted to save a zip file containing the individual files for the completed interchanges.
The default name of the zipped folder is District_YYYY-MM-DD.HH-MM-SS.TSDS.
Example: 015102-2019-08-05.15-30-22.TSDS
The default file name is District_Campus_Collection_TimeStamp_Interchange.xml, where:
Example: 015116_000_2019EXYR1_201908051420_InterchangeStudentProgramExtension.xml
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