
The following Business processes should be started or in progress:

Finance EOY Process
Moving 11-, 12-, or 13-month Employees from NY Payroll to CY Payroll Checklist

The following business tasks have been identified for the month of July. Use the checklist below to ensure that the tasks are addressed, if applicable.

Finance❏ Enter campus activity (fund 461) and student activity balances (fund 865), if needed.

❏ Begin audit preparations.

❏ Review records for retention and filing.

❏ Fiscal agents should send the estimate of Mid-Year PEIMS 033 records to LEAs to use in reviewing the IDEA_B MOE compliance status. Excess Wealth districts make the sixth payment.

❏ Set up any new grants as approval notifications are received.

❏ File transportation services route services report. (Due August 1st.)

❏ Update budget and template estimates for certified values. (Due by July 25th from CAD.)
Payroll & Personnel❏ Update leave on service records.

❏ Second quarter payroll reports for 941 and unemployment.

❏ Report new contracts to TRS.

❏ Payoff any terminations.

❏ Update leave on the current year service records if already created.