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Define categories

This tab is used to define the categories (fields) displayed on the Bank Reconciliation page. These categories are used in the reconciliation layout template, which is managed on the Layout tab.

There are two layout type options:

  • The Single Column layout consists of a single column of fields and operations.
  • The Double Column layout consists of two columns of fields and operations; System and Bank.
  • The Double Column layout is the default.

Add a category:

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Field Description
DescriptionType the 30-character category description to be displayed in the bank reconciliation layout.

Click Drop-down Arrow to select the operation to be used for the category description. If the Statement Type field is set to Total, the Operator field must be set to = Equals.

You can select to use a single or double column layout on the Layout tab.

If Double Column is selected, only one bank side category and one system side category can be set to = Equals.

If Single Column is selected, only one category (field) can be set to = Equals.

Statement Type

Click Drop-down Arrow to assign a calculated amount or allow for user entry.

Default categories (statement types)

Calculated statement types

Recon SideSelect the category reconciliation side (Bank or System). This field is only displayed if Double Column is selected and saved on the Layout tab.
InactiveSelect to exclude the category from the reconciliation layout. If selected, the category is not displayed on the Layout tab.

❏ Click Save.

Note: You can edit field names as needed. For example, the Bank Statement System field can be renamed to Bank Statement Balance.

Other functions and features:


Click to retrieve data from the last save. If you click Reset, any unsaved changes are lost.

Trashcan Icon

Click to delete a row. The row is shaded red to indicate that it will be deleted when the record is saved.

Click Save.

general/add_a_category_1.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/24 15:16 by emoreno