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Budget Extract Automatic Crosswalks

If your district maintains budget data in greater detail than the state-mandated level, the detail is summarized to the state-mandated level. The automatic crosswalks in the extract program perform the summarization.  

The state-mandated level of detail for budget data can be found in the TEA Financial Accountability System Resource Guide.

The extract program will automatically make the following changes to the budget data being extracted:

Account Code DescriptionAccount CodePEIMS Code
fund> 160 and < 199199
fund> 510 and < 599599
object> 5715 and < 57195719
object> 5726 and < 57295729
object> 5734 and < 57395739
object= 57485749
object> 5756 and < 57595759
object> 5765 and < 57695769
object> 5816 and < 58195819
object> 5825 and < 58295829
object> 5835 and < 58395839
object> 5845 and < 58495849
object> 5915 and < 59195919
object> 5926 and < 59295929
object> 5935 and < 59395939
object> 5945 and < 59495949
object> 5955 and < 59595959
object= 6XXX6×00
object> 7939 and < 79497949
object> 7979 and < 79897989
object> 8939 and < 89498949
object> 8959 and < 89898989
object> 8995 and < 89998999
organization<> 6XXXorg = 000
organization= 6XXX and org > 708 and < 720org = 720
organization= 6XXX and org > 725 and < 750org = 750
organization= 6XXX and org > 799 and < 998org = 999
function/program= 5XXX or 7XXX or 8XXXfunction = 00; program = 00
general/budget_extract_automatic_crosswalks.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/19 21:48 by emoreno