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Verify actual fund balance obj.sobj codes

Log on to file ID C.

Finance > Tables > Account Codes > Fund

The Annual Audit page references your specific fund balance object codes (Schedule C-1) to determine which codes the auditor uses to be compliant with the specific GASB 54 object codes.

Review your LEAs Schedule C-1 to verify that the appropriate object codes exist in the Actual Fund Balance Obj.Sobj column.

Note: If federal funds will be deleted from this table, delete the fund code from the Personnel > Tables > Salaries > Fund To Grant table. It is recommended to print the Fund to Grant table prior to deleting the fund codes.

Account Codes Fund

❏ Make any necessary changes or corrections.

general/financeeoyprocess/reviewtheaccountcodetable.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/02 17:03 by emoreno