Helpful TEA TSDS Links:
Prior Year Leaver data will be updated for the prior year on the following screens:
Domain/Fatal | Issue | Reported Date | Release/Release Date |
Entity: StaffSectionAssociation | Add AdditionalDaysProgramTeacher Changed NumberOfStudentInClass to NumberOfStudentsInClass | —- | 9.0305 |
Entity: School | Unchecking Exclude from District Reporting does not update the datetimestamp. | —- | 9.0305 |
Student.Name | First, Middle and Last name fields are currently limiting characters/length. | —- | 9.0305 |
Entity: StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation > PKFundingSourceSet | If an existing PKFundSource is updated, the updated value is not being sent to TSDS. | —- | 9.0305 |
Prior Year Leaver | IBC records for all years are being sent to the IndustryBasedCertificationSet for Prior Year Leavers. | —- | 9.0305 |
Prior Year Leaver | No Show data is not being reported in the PriorYearLeaver Entity and PriorYearYearLeaverParent Entity, but is being reported to the PriorYearLeaverStudentParentAssociation. | —- | 9.0305 |
Entity: StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation | TEA updated the StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociation Entity in the 2025.2.0 change log, but ASCENDER has not yet implemented these changes. If the LEA altered the data after TEA’s rollout of 2025.2.0 and 2025.2.1 to Production on October 4th, they may encounter errors due to the data not being processed correctly. | —- | 10/23/24 9.0200 |
Prior Year Leaver | Invalid Prior Year Leaver IBC records are being extracted, causing TSDS fatal errors. | —- | TBD |
—- | The following error message At Risk: The 'At-Risk' checkbox cannot be deselected when As of Status Last Friday October Code is X. is triggered for As of Status codes B,D,F or X and when a student has a Homeless record and does not have an At-Risk record. This error is valid based on TSDS Rule 40100-0146 - On the PEIMS Fall snapshot date, if HomelessStatus is not blank, and AsOfStatusLastFridayOctober is “B”, “D”, “F”, or “X”, then a StudentCharacteristic of At Risk (“01”) must be reported. A programming update is needed to update the error message. | —- | TBD |
—- | The Title 1 Code Conversion is assigning student Title 1 codes incorrectly. This happens when the user selects Code 6 during the initial retrieval of this page. Current workaround: • Go to Registration > Utilities > Title 1 Code Conversion • Select any code other than 6 then run the utility. • Once complete, click OK. Do not exit the Title 1 Code Conversion Utility • Select code 6 then run the utility. • Once complete, verify that the records were updated to code 6. | —- | TBD |
—- | Update the Prior Year Leaver user interface to allow a blank Attribution Code and Asylee Refugee Code. | x/x/xx | 9.0200 |
AlternativeandSupplementalServices | LEAOfRDSPDService 000000 is being sent for all Special Education students. | 9/24/2024 | —- |
ClassroomPositionSet | In April 2024 TEA added ClassroomPositionSet to the ODS, however they will remove this set in 2025. Additionally, TCC will not be updating ASCENDER software to send this data for 2024; therefore, users should expect to continue to receive StaffSection errors and should ignore these errors on logs. | 6/21/2024 | —- |
—- | TSDS Extract Errors Report and Level 1 Errors are blank. | 2/13/24 | Expected 8.0605 |
Teaching and Learning CourseOffering | Error: The value supplied for the related 'course' resource does not exist. Confirmed TCC issue. ASCENDER is currently only sending local course Service IDs to the Teaching and Learning > Course endpoint; however, TEA did not load all C022 courses and ASCENDER will now need to send both the local course codes, CTE codes, and the staff service codes (SA, SE, SR, and SS) when used by the LEA. | 2/8/24 | TBD |
StaffSchoolAssociation StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation | Error: Validation of 'StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation' failed. Validation of 'AggregateExtensions' failed. StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociationStaffServiceSets (TX) requires at least one object in the collection. Confirmed TCC issue. | 2/7/24 | TBD |
Education Organization EducationServiceCenter | A recurring Level 1 error has been reported as shown below. This is an ASCENDER problem that occurs when an LEA changes the ESC County District Number as it is not flowing to TSDS correctly. This issue will be added to the known issues log. 409 CONFLICT {“message”: “A natural key conflict occurred when attempting to create a new resource 'EducationOrganization' with a duplicate key. The duplicated columns and values are [EducationOrganizationId] (CCCDDD) This is likely caused by multiple r | 1/1/24 | Expected 8.0605 |
— | TCC is aware that TSDS Customer Support is e-mailing LEAs to let them know that they have generated an excessive number of API Level 1 Errors within the past 24 hours and the volume of errors is negatively affecting performance. Workaround: Self-managed and hosted LEAs can have the ESC turn off the curl command to stop sending the data. Data center managed LEAs can have the ESC submit a technical ticket to turn off the curl command to stop sending the data. | 1/31/24 | 2/7/24 8.0600 |
Finance Domain PayrollExt | LEAs are receiving the following Level 1 Error in the Finance.PayrollExt Entity. TCC is working to correct this issue. Error: EdFi.Ods.Api.Services.Controllers.TX.PayrollExts.PayrollExtsController - MESSAGE: Post System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationException: Validation of 'PayrollExt' failed. PayrollFunctionDescriptorId is required. PayrollFundDescriptorId is required. PayrollObjectDescriptorId is required. PayrollProgramIntentDescriptorId is required. | 12/1/23 | 2/7/24 8.0600 |
1/24/2024 | TSDS Extracts and Nightly Emails: Thank you all for your patience as we have been going through a couple hundred databases one by one looking at the TSDS extract issues. As you are aware, we found an issue with duplicate Finance Crosswalk entries and a performance issue with one of the attendance extracts. This morning we have found another performance issue with the course transcript extract and will be working on that program next. We are also working to remove the -6 Errors and Extract processed but failed with stored procedure errors that are shown on the Extract Error Log. Expect to see less of them after the February release. When you are alerted that a client is not receiving the nightly email, please open a single issue for the ESC along with the previous night's application server log for review (server where the tag TSDS = on is set). The log should provide guidance on next steps and we will ask for more information and/or a database. Those ESCs that we are already working with do not need to create a new issue. | —- | 2/7/24 8.0600 |
1/24/2024 | The TEA-defined Claim Sets do not allow vendors to create and send local descriptor values. By default, vendors are only able to send TEA or Ed-Fi namespace values. TEA will be updating their Claim Sets to allow vendors to create and send local values. Affected Descriptors: • Term
| 0/0/0/ | 0/0/0 |
—- | TCC continues to work with TEA on the Finance Actual domain for PEIMS Mid-Year. At this time, no actuals are being sent to TSDS. | —- | 2/7/24 8.0600 |
—- | When an employee has a termination date entered that is a future date and they are still considered to be employed, when the extract is run for the staff endpoint, the end date is not being populated for that future date. | 10/1/23 | TBD |
—- | Course Transcript - Duplicate Record Found error. An error is received on the Extract email when a student has taken 2 courses with the same service ID in the same semester. TCC is researching a solution to this issue. | TBD | TBD |
Initial Data Submission to TEA
TCC hosted and managed ESCs:
Self-hosted and managed ESCs: