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Finance TSDS Crosswalk Tables

  • 040 Budget - From Org to Org - Convert an organization code to another organization code.
  • 045 Budget - Fund/SO to Prog - Convert a fund/subobject combination to a program code.
  • 046 Budget - Fund to Fund - Convert a fund code to another fund code.
  • 047 Budget - Obj to Obj - Convert an object code to another object code.
  • 048 Budget - Func to Func - Convert a function code to another function code.
  • 049 Budget - Funds to Omit - Omit a fund from the PEIMS submission.
  • 055 Budget - Fund/Func/SO to Prog - Convert a fund/function/subobject combination to a program code.
  • 056 Budget - Fund to Prog- Convert a fund code to a program code.
  • 059 Actual - Fund/SO to Prog- Convert a fund/subobject combination to a program code.
  • 060 Actual - Fund to Fund - Convert a fund code to another fund code.
  • 061 Actual - Org to Org - Convert an organization code to another organization code.
  • 062 Actual - Obj to Obj - Convert an object code to another object code.
  • 063 Actual - Fund to Prog - Convert a fund code to a program code.
  • 064 Actual - Func to Func - Convert a function code to another function code.
  • 066 Actual - Fund/Func/SO to Prog - Convert a fund/function/subobject combination to a program code.
  • 067 Actual - Funds to Omit - Omit a fund from the submission.
  • 069 Budget - Fund/Prog to Prog - Convert a fund/program combination to a program code.
  • 070 Actual - Fund/Prog to Prog - Convert a fund/program combination to a program code.
  • 041 Budget - From Pgm to Pgm - Convert a program code to another program code.
  • 071 Actual - From Pgm to Pgm - Convert a program code to another program code.
  • SYR Actual - Short Year Fund/Yr

Automatic Crosswalks:

general/finance_tsdscrosswalk_tables.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/28 13:47 by apape