Supervisor Guide: Manage Leave Requests & Set Temporary Approvers

This guide provides a step-by-step process for supervisors managing leave requests in EmployeePortal.

Before You Begin

❏ Review the ASCENDER EmployeePortal Navigation page to familiarize yourself with the portal layout.

❏ Review the Employee Guide: Create Account & Login for information about logging on to EmployeePortal.

Upon logging on with Supervisor access, the current month's calendar is displayed with the All Requests view, which is the default view for supervisors. The All Requests view displays all request type entries (Leave, Travel, and WorkJournal) from direct report employees and any employees who report to them. To change the view and only display your personal requests, click My Requests. You can toggle between the All Requests and My Request views as needed.

❏ Click an entry from the calendar. The request details are displayed. If there are more entries that fit in the calendar day on the page, a + more link is displayed. Click the link to view the additional entries.

The following colors are used to identify the various request types and statuses.

You will see an additional Supervisor menu on the left side of the page.

TIP: If you have any new notifications from EmployeePortal, the number of pending notifications is displayed in the top-right corner of the page on Bell Icon. Click Bell Icon to view the Notifications box. You can either click Mark All As Read to mark all notifications as read and clear all notifications or click a notification to open the Notifications page. From the Notifications page, you have the option to Mark All As Read or click eye icon to clear each individual notification.

EmployeePortal Supervisor Menu

The Supervisor menu allows you to perform the following tasks:

I. Manage Leave Requests

  1. View and approve leave requests.

II. View Leave

  1. View leave.

III. Set Temporary Approvers

  1. Set temporary approvers.