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Security Administration > Create and Edit Users

This page is used to create new users or edit existing users. You can establish the roles and permissions associated with each user.

In addition, you can establish the components within ASCENDER that a user can access. After creating users and performing other functions, you must exit any applications to which you are logged on to refresh the security permissions.

All users are automatically granted permission to view all three ASCENDER homepage dashboard elements. However, the content within the dashboard element is driven by the user’s profile with the exception of ASCENDER News, which is available to all users.

  • ASCENDER News - Displays important news or upcoming events. The ASCENDER News is managed by the Texas Computer Cooperative (TCC).
  • Approval Summary - (Business users) Displays a list of pending approval items based on the user's profile.
  • Online Registration - (Student users) Displays a list of online registration pending approval items based on the user's profile.

Create a user:

❏ From the Manage Users page, click New User.

Manage Users Page With New User Button

The New User page is displayed.

New User Page

Field Description
Last NameType the user's last name. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.
First NameType the user's first name. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.
Middle InitialType the first letter of the user's middle name. This field is optional and is only one character.
User IDType a user ID for the user. The field can be a maximum of 29 characters. The first character must be a letter.
Profile Name

An automatically generated name assigned to the user that links the user ID to the user permissions is displayed.

Currently, the ASCENDER Student applications do not use the profile name, although the profile name is still populated for the user.

In most cases, the user ID and the profile name is the same. The following scenarios present instances when the user ID and profile name may differ:

When saving a new user, if the profile name is a duplicate of a deleted user’s profile name, a message is displayed that the profile name is a duplicate and a new profile name must be entered.

When changing the user ID of an existing user, the profile name does not change.

Employee Nbr

Type the six-digit employee number that is assigned to this user in Personnel. The autosuggest displays employee numbers even if the employee does not have an employment info, pay, or job record.

Although completing this field is optional, it is necessary for employees to access pages with account codes, such as the Purchasing > Maintenance > Create/Modify Requisition page and most pages in Finance.

Users who are also approvers will receive an email notification when changes are made in EmployeePortal.

❏ Under Roles, click Add to add roles to the user's profile. The Add Roles pop-up window is displayed.

Add Roles Popup Window

  • Select the role(s) to be added to the user's profile.
  • Click OK to add the selected roles.
  • Click Cancel to close the pop-up window without adding roles.

❏ Under Applications View, a list of each application available to the user is displayed.

❏ Under Set Password, type a password for the new user. Typically, this is a temporary password that will be provided to the user, and you will have to select Force Reset Password on Login to require the user to set a new password after logging on with the temporary password.

PasswordType the user password. The password must be 8-46 characters with at least three of the following: uppercase, lowercase, number, and special character.
Confirm PasswordRetype the password you entered in the Password field.

For Business users:

❏ Under Pay Frequencies, a list of available pay frequencies is displayed. Select the pay frequencies to be assigned to the user.

❏ Under Warehouses, a list of available warehouses is displayed. Select the warehouses to be assigned to the user.

❏ Click Save. The profile name is populated and the user profile is saved.

Sample User Created

After the record is saved and the user profile is created, you can manage user permissions.

  • Select a role under Roles to view the role components. The view is changed from Applications View to Manage Permissions. You can add or update permissions by application in the Manage Permissions view.
  • Click Applications View to return to the Applications View.

❏ Under Manage Permissions (All Apps):

Expand AllClick to display all available lower-level applications or components.
Collapse AllClick to display only the available upper-level applications or components.
  • Click + - to expand or collapse the available user permissions.
  • Select the permissions to be added or removed from the user.

Notes: A component that is cleared is displayed in red. For example, if Maintenance is cleared, Maintenance is displayed in red.

If a component has a subcategory that is cleared, the upper-level title is displayed in italics. For example, if Utilities has many sublevels, one of which has been cleared, Utilities is displayed in italics denoting that not everything under Utilities is granted permission.

If read-only is selected, the component is displayed in brown. The component must be selected along with the read-only option.

Add an ODBC Login

Edit a user:

❏ From the Manage Users page, under Search Criteria, click Find to perform a search for all users. Or, to perform a search for a specific user, enter data in one or more of the search fields.

  • Select Show Deleted Users to include deleted users in your search. Deleted users are highlighted in red.
  • Click Find. A list of users matching your search criteria is displayed.
  • Select the user to be edited.

Edit User Button

❏ Click Edit User to update the roles and responsibilities associated with the user. The Edit User page is displayed.

Edit User Page

  • You can make the necessary updates to the user's profile such as password, frequencies, warehouse, etc.
  • In addition, you can select a role to view and manage exceptions/permissions to the roles and responsibilities associated with the user profile.
    • Click + - to expand or collapse available permissions.
    • Select/unselect the permissions to be added to the user.

Notes: A component that is cleared is displayed in red. For example, if Maintenance is cleared, Maintenance is displayed in red.

If a component (i.e., menu item) has a subcategory that is not selected, the upper-level title is displayed in italics. For example, if Utilities has sublevels, one of which has been cleared, then Utilities is displayed in italics denoting that not everything under Utilities is selected for permission.

If read-only is selected, the component is displayed in brown. The component must be selected along with the read-only option.

❏ Click Save.

Delete a user:

To completely delete a user from Security Administration, complete the following steps in the order in which they are listed:

❏ On the District Admin > Workflow page, delete the following:

  1. Alternative Approver: Click Clear Row.
  2. Approval Rules: Delete the rules for Purchasing.
  3. Approval Path: Delete the user from the Purchasing path.
  4. First Approver: Delete the user from being a first approver.
  5. District Admin > Maintenance > User Profiles - Delete the user.

❏ From the Manage Users page, under Search Criteria, click Find to perform a search for all users. Or, to perform a search for a specific user, enter data in one or more of the search fields.

  • Select Show Deleted Users to include deleted users in your search. Deleted users are highlighted in red.
  • Click Find. A list of users matching your search criteria is displayed.
  • Select the user to be deleted.

Delete User Page

❏ Click Delete User to delete a user. A pop-up window prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the user.

Confirm Deletion Window

  • Click OK to delete the user.
  • Click Cancel to not delete the user.

A message indicating that the user was deleted successfully is displayed at the bottom of the page.

Administrative users cannot be deleted. If an administrative user is selected, a message is displayed indicating that the administrative user's properties cannot be changed.

general/overview_guide_manage_users.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/06 21:52 by emoreno