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Security Administration Overview

ASCENDER Security Administration provides security administrators or designated users the rights to securely manage roles and permissions for ASCENDER Business and Student users. Additionally, various reports are available to assist with assessing audit information.

This guide provides information about how to create and manage roles and users as well as assign campus rights, pay frequencies, and warehouses.

Before You Begin:

Review the Security Administration flow chart and terminology in order to understand the relationship between roles, users, and permissions and how they integrate into the ASCENDER Business and Student systems.

Security Administration flow chart

Review Security Administration terms.

What is the purpose of a role?

The Security Administration application is structured to assign roles to users instead of individual tasks, which simplifies the designated security administrator's duty of managing user permissions.

For example, if a new page (task) is added to the Attendance application and only the Attendance Clerks require access to the page, the security administrator can provide page permission to only the Attendance Clerk role, which grants access to all users who are assigned the Attendance Clerk role.

If roles did not exist, each individual user profile would have to be manually updated with access to the new page.

To avoid any system issues related to roles, be sure to keep Business and Student roles separate and ensure that Business roles do not have campuses assigned.

You can generate the Security Administration > Reports > List of Users by Permission report to review user details such as the last login date and then modify as needed.

Why use permissions?

In most cases, roles cover all user access; however, special cases may exist. For example, if a user is assigned to a role but this particular user should not have access to a specific page within that role, you can manually update the user's profile to exclude permission to that specific page. The user would still have access to the other role permissions with the exception of the excluded page. You can exclude a permission by simply unselecting a task (page or tab) from the user's profile permissions.

What is a user role?

For Student users, the user role provides campus access. For example, a user may be assigned the Attendance Clerk role for a high school campus but may also have the Discipline Advisor role for the middle school campus. Based on the campus permissions in the user role, the user cannot modify attendance information for the middle school campus, only the high school campus.

For Business users, the user role provides access to payroll frequencies and warehouses. For example, if a user only has access to a specific payroll frequency, the user can only run payroll processes for that specific payroll frequency.

Manage Roles

The Manage Roles page allows you to create, edit, and delete roles. You can create roles with specific permissions to various components, pay frequencies, campuses, and warehouses within ASCENDER. Once roles have been established, you can assign them accordingly to each user.

After creating roles and performing other functions, exit any applications to which you are logged on, and then log back on to refresh the updated security permissions.

For new LEAs, log on to Security Administration as an admin user.

Create, edit, and delete roles:

Manage Users

The Manage Users page allows you to create, edit, and delete users. You can assign various roles to each user, which includes permissions to various components of ASCENDER. Each user can be assigned one or more roles, pay frequencies, campuses, and warehouses.

After creating users and performing other functions, you must exit any applications to which you are logged on to refresh the security permissions.

Create, edit, and delete users:

Manage the Audit Log

Manage the audit log.


Generate reports.

security_admin_overview.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/10 20:30 by emoreno