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D. Run the SGR0450 - Attendance Percentage by Course report.

This report is used to determine if a student meets the 90% attendance rule for awarding or denying credit. For each period, the report displays course, instructor, and attendance information, including the course number and section, total absences, percentage the student was present for the course based on the course entry date, and percentage the student was present for the entire course based on days the course was taught.

The absences listed are for the days the class meets. If not correct, verify in the section record that the days of the week the class meets are accurate.

TIP: This report can be used by teachers who choose to exempt students from taking exams if they meet a certain attendance requirement.

Be sure to review district policy regarding Absence Types.

SGR0450 parameters

SGR0450 parameters

academy/student/grade_reporting_report_card_processes_sgr0450.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/14 16:51 by apape