This section allows the district to select how special program records are set for the next school year when running ASDR.

Special Program Options setion

❏ For Title I Services, Bilingual/ESL, Pregnancy Services, and Gifted/Talented, select the code indicating how ASDR should handle the entry/withdrawal records for special programs.

Rules for special program withdraw cutoff date

Title I Services

If you select S, the program also takes into account the Title I and Schoolwide Title I fields on Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Next Year Campus Options when creating next year records:

If neither field is selected:

• If the student’s current year Title I code is A (facility for neglected, receives services) or 9 (does not attend a Title I school, but receives services), ASDR creates a Title I record in the next school year and rolls over the current year code.

• For students with any other current year Title I code, Title I records are not created in the next school year.

If Title I is selected, but Schoolwide Title I is not selected:

• If the student’s current year Title I code is A (facility for neglected, receives services), 6 (attends schoolwide Title I program school) or 9 (does not attend a Title I school, but receives services), Title I records are not created in the next school year.

• For students have any other Title I code, Title I records are created in the next school year.

If both Title I and Schoolwide Title I are selected, Title I records are created in the next school year with code 6.


If you select S, a record is created on Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Bil/ ESL in the current school year for students who have EB Cd 0 (not EB), 1 (EB), F (Exited from EB (M1)), S (Exited from EB (M2)), or 3 (Exited from EB (M3)) and receive bilingual/ESL services.

If the Bilingual/ESL special program is selected on Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Next Year Campus Options, the student’s enrollment record for EB, bilingual, or ESL is created in the next school year.

No record is created for students with EB Cd 4 (Exited from EB (M4)).

Pregnancy Services

It is recommended that you select D (drop the student’s pregnancy services row in the new school year).


If you select S, a record is created on Maintenance > Student Enrollment > G/T in the current school year for G/T students.

If the Gifted/Talented special program is selected on Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Next Year Campus Options, the student’s enrollment record for gifted/talented is created in the next school year.

Special Education

Only option S is available.

• If the student exited the special education program in the current school year with withdrawal reason code EP (exit program), ASDR does not create a special education record for the student in the next school year.

• If the student’s Next Year Special Ed field is Y on Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Next Year > Program Information, ASDR merges any of the student’s next year special education information with his current year special education information, and creates the record in the next school year.

• If Next Year Special Ed is blank on Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Next Year > Program Information, the student’s special education information from the current year is created in the next school year.

Drop Special Ed Record for New School Yr (if Special Ed Next Yr = N)

This field is used in conjunction with Next Year Special Ed on Special Education > Maintenance > Student Sp Ed Data > Next Year > Program Information. It affects only students whose Next Year Special Ed field is N. If you select Drop Special Ed Rec for New Sch Yr if Special Ed Next Yr = N, special education records are not created for these students in the next school year.

Rules for dropping special ed records

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