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System - The group of applications supporting a broad area of LEA or campus management, or specific group of applications (e.g., Business, Student, State Reporting, OCR, District Administration, System Administration).

Application - A particular application within a system (e.g., Attendance, Registration).
Application Directory page with Attendance application circled

Page - Selected from a menu or submenu, a page may have multiple tabs, or it may stand alone. A page can have fields, buttons, grids, report parameters, and other features allowing you to accomplish one or more tasks.
District Generic Programs page

Tab - Some pages have multiple tabs allowing you to accomplish tasks that can be logically grouped together.
Registration Student Maintenance page tabs

Field - A mechanism for inputting data, such as a text entry box, drop-down list, check box, or radio button. Each field has a label, such as Grade Level. Note that in ASCENDER online Help and other documentation, field names are displayed in bold font.
miscellaneous types of fields

Report Parameters - Fields that allow you to input criteria for running reports.
miscellaneous report parameter page with parameters circled

Grid - A group of records displayed in columns and rows, or empty columns and rows in which to add new records, such as a table maintenance page.

Campus Master Schedule Course tab

academy/student/overview_guide_terminology.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/03 12:23 by apape