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❏ Click Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY.

Additional fields are displayed at the top of the tab:

❏ Select any combination of the Numeric Grade Averaging, Grade Point Averaging, and 4 Point Avg fields.

4 Point Avg

If using four-point average, select the code indicating how you want to calculate the average.


The fields are displayed according the year you have selected and the Grds Used for Grade Avg field on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > H Roll & Gr Avg.

If Semester is selected on H Roll & Gr Avg, each semester grade will be included.

If Final is selected on H Roll & Gr Avg, and a final grade with a weight greater than 0 does not exist, an error message is displayed.

Recalculate Only Credits

The field appears once you click Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY.

Select if you only want to recalculate only the credits when you click Recalculate GPA & Credits YYYY (e.g., for a credit change only).

Example: If you added a student’s prior year transfer information and clicked Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY, and then you realized that the student had excessive absences and should not have received credit, you can change the student’s credit (e.g., from 0.5 to 0.0). Then, select Recalculate Only Credits before clicking Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY again. The student’s credits are reduced on the Grd Avg tab, but his grade point average remains the same.

Ready to Recalculate (top grid)

The field is automatically selected if grades and credits are entered or changed, or when a course is deleted.

Calculations for prior-year transfer courses:

  • Numeric:
  • Grade Point:
  • 4 Point:

You can use Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY if:

  • The student does not have any courses on the Course Assign tab for that school year.
  • The school year being calculated is not the current school year, and the student was withdrawn at the end of the school year for which you are recalculating.

This process creates a grade averaging record for school years where the student was enrolled at an entirely different district for the school year.

NOTE: Prior year transfer courses used for summer school must be recalculated using the Cumulative Courses tab when calculating for an individual student.

❏ Click Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY again.

The Ready to Recalc field is cleared.

If there is no existing grade averaging record for the school year, a record is created after the recalculation is saved. The default credit level is H.

❏ Click Save.

  • Grade averaging options are displayed at the top of the tab if grades, grade averaging, GA weight, and GA table values are entered or changed. A warning message is displayed indicating that you must run the Cumulative Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility after recalculating the GPA.

  • If semester grades are changed, but not the final grade, the course is flagged with an asterisk (*). A warning is displayed indicating that you must manually calculate the grade average.

❏ If errors occur in the recalculation, you are prompted to print the error report. Click Yes.

Review, save, and/or print the report.

If you are viewing data for a prior school year, the following fields are displayed:

User ID

The user ID of the person who entered the date is displayed.


The date-time stamp of the entry is displayed.

For a prior school year:

  • If you have been granted historical read-only access in Security Administration, the data is displayed from all school years up to the prior school year.

  • If you have been granted historical update access in Security Administration, you can update data for the last year in which the student was enrolled, if the student does not have any current year enroll records.

  • All grade calculations are the same as the calculations used for the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility.
general/grade_reporting_prior_year_body_recalc.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:52 by