This utility calculates grade average and class rank for the current year. The process also updates the student grade averaging records, which are maintained on Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grade Avg.

IMPORTANT! For a middle school offering high school credit for any of its courses, the middle school must know which type of grade averaging the high school runs (i.e., grade point or numeric).

Middle school students taking H credit level courses must have a next year campus number assigned before the calculation will run. The next year campus is set using Registration > Utilities > Set NY Campus.

The high school and the middle school may run different types of grade averaging; however, when the middle school runs grade averaging for high school courses only, the middle school must select the type of grade averaging used by the high school to rank its students. When running grade averaging for only high school courses taken at the middle school, the utility uses the grade averaging tables from the student’s next year high school campus for calculations.

The following reports are generated when the utility is run: