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Prior Year Transfer

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Prior Yr Transfer

This tab allows you to enter prior-year courses for a student who transfers into the district. The courses will be printed on the student's Academic Achievement Record (AAR) (SGR2047).

  • Only one record can be created per year, and only completed years of courses can be added.
  • If a student transfers in the middle of the year, you must add his courses to his current year grade course records.

Summer school courses are typically entered as prior year transfer courses. If Move to Grade Reporting has occurred, and TxEIS is already set up for the next school year (e.g., 2018-2019), any courses taken during the summer must be entered for the prior school year (e.g., 2017-2018).

Update data:

Select a student

Click Retrieve.

  • The student's demographic data is displayed.

  • Graduation Plan information is displayed if available. If a student has a Graduation Plan and is pursuing or has completed Foundation High School Program (FHSP), is pursuing or has completed the Distinguished plan, and/or is pursuing or has completed any of the five endorsements, that information is displayed below the student ID.

  • The Status field displays ACT (active) or W/D (withdrawn) according to the student's current enrollment status.

❏ Click +Add in the upper grid to enter a row for a particular school year.

A blank row is added to the grid.

School Ending Year

(Required) Type the four-digit ending year of the school year in which the courses were taken.

Only one record per year is allowed.

If entering a summer school grade (i.e., after ASDR has been performed), type the ending year of the prior school year.

WARNING: Once the record is saved, the School Ending Year field cannot be changed. To correct the year, you must delete the row and reenter all data.

District ID

(Required) Type the six-digit county-district number in which the courses were taken.

Campus ID

(Required) Type the three-digit campus ID where courses were taken.

NOTE: To include a course in grade averaging for the campus, a summer school course must be taken in-district.

Grd Lvl

(Optional; intended for high school credit courses) Select the student's grade level when the courses were taken.

❏ Click Save to save the data in the upper grid.

❏ In the upper grid, click Spyglass Icon to select the year for which you want to add courses.

Fields in the lower grid are enabled for that school year.

❏ Click +Add in the lower grid to add courses taken during the selected year.

A blank row is added to the lower grid. (You may need to scroll to the right to find +Add.)


Type the local official name for the course, up to 15 characters. This name will print on the student's AAR.

Service ID

(Required) Click ellipsis icon to select the service ID for the course.

TWEDS Data Element: SERVICE-ID (E0724) (Code table C022)

Svc ID Desc

(Required) Type the service ID description for the course, up to ten characters.

The field is automatically populated if you enter or select a service ID.

The field is read-only unless the service ID is local (i.e., starting with an 8 or 9).

To edit the description, you must first save the row with local service ID.

If a local service ID is changed to a service ID that does not start with an 8 or a 9, the Svc ID Desc will be updated with the correct corresponding service ID description when you save.

Svc ID Type

Select the TEA service ID type that describes the course. This field determines the area on the AAR in which the course will print.

Example: For the BCIS1 course, you could select VOED if the course should be listed under Career and Tech on the AAR, or select COMP if the course should be listed under Tech Applications.

If you select a code in the AAR Use field, the course will print in the area indicated by the AAR Use field rather than the area indicated by the Svc ID Typ field.

❏ For each semester, up to four semesters, add the following:

Sem #

Type the semester grade for the course. You must enter at least one semester grade.

Alpha grades such as NG, I, P, and F are allowed.

Exc Abs #

Select if the student has a passing grade for the semester but too many absences to earn credit. For example, if the student’s semester 1 grade for Algebra I is 90, but the student has 14 absences for semester 1, select Exc Abs 1.

GP (graduation plan) Use #

Select the subject area in which the course should be applied on the student's graduation plan, if other than the course's service ID type.

GP Use codes must correspond to the semester. For example, if a course only meets in semester 2, select a subject area from the GP Use 2 field.

EOC Sem #

Type the end-of-course semester grade. These fields are only displayed if the School Ending Year is 2013 or 2014.

❏ Add the following additional information for the course:

Grd Avg

Type the student's final grade average for the course.

If a semester grade is changed but this field is not changed, a red asterisk is displayed next to the field when you save, indicating that the grade may need to be changed.


Type the student's credit earned for the course using one whole number and one decimal (e.g., 1.0).

Do not type the period. For example, type 05 to enter 0.5 credit.

If no credit was awarded, type NC. This only applies if the student passed the course but is not receiving credit due to attendance.

If Remove Credit on Grade Change is selected on the Computation tab, when manually updating Credit field, you must first save the cycle or exam grade change to prevent the field from being cleared by the initial save.

EOC Final
EOC Score

These fields are only displayed if the School Ending Year is 2013 or 2014.

Type the student's end-of-course final grade and assessment score.

Loc Crs

Type the course number assigned to the course by the district, if available.

The field is used on Graduation Plan > Maintenance > District > Graduation Requirements and Graduation Plan > Maintenance > Student > Grade Level Course Detail in conjunction with the service ID to determine if a course should be included in the Required Plan Courses list on the Grade Level Course Detail tab.

If entering a summer school course, a valid local course number is required in order for the course to be included in grade averaging calculations. If the Historical Grade Averaging and Ranking utility cannot match the local course number to one that exists in the district master schedule for that school year, the course is not included in grade averaging calculations.

Crs Seq

Select the code indicating the sequence of the course, which is not necessarily the semester in which the course is taught.


Select the code indicating the academic area in which the course is a requirement. This code determines where the course is displayed on the AAR Multi-Year (SGR2047) report.

Spec Crs

Type or click ellipsis icon to select the special course consideration code for the course. You can type up to two one-character codes in this field.

For a summer school course, be sure to select R.

GA W (grade averaging weight)

Type the number of times the grade for the course should be counted in grade average calculations. The default is 1. Valid values are 0-9.

Type 0 if the course should be excluded from grade average calculations.

GA Table

If the course type (from the GA table) should be a value other than R-Regular, type the code for the correct course type (Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Course Type).

If the GA table does not exist in the historical campus tables for that year, the current year campus grade average tables are used.

❏ Click Save.

❏ Click Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY.

Additional fields are displayed at the top of the tab:

❏ Select any combination of the Numeric Grade Averaging, Grade Point Averaging, and 4 Point Avg fields.

4 Point Avg

If using four-point average, select the code indicating how you want to calculate the average.


The fields are displayed according the year you have selected and the Grds Used for Grade Avg field on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > H Roll & Gr Avg.

If Semester is selected on H Roll & Gr Avg, each semester grade will be included.

If Final is selected on H Roll & Gr Avg, and a final grade with a weight greater than 0 does not exist, an error message is displayed.

Recalculate Only Credits

The field appears once you click Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY.

Select if you only want to recalculate only the credits when you click Recalculate GPA & Credits YYYY (e.g., for a credit change only).

Example: If you added a student’s prior year transfer information and clicked Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY, and then you realized that the student had excessive absences and should not have received credit, you can change the student’s credit (e.g., from 0.5 to 0.0). Then, select Recalculate Only Credits before clicking Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY again. The student’s credits are reduced on the Grd Avg tab, but his grade point average remains the same.

Ready to Recalculate (top grid)

The field is automatically selected if grades and credits are entered or changed, or when a course is deleted.

Calculations for prior-year transfer courses:

  • Numeric:
  • Grade Point:
  • 4 Point:

You can use Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY if:

  • The student does not have any courses on the Course Assign tab for that school year.
  • The school year being calculated is not the current school year, and the student was withdrawn at the end of the school year for which you are recalculating.

This process creates a grade averaging record for school years where the student was enrolled at an entirely different district for the school year.

NOTE: Prior year transfer courses used for summer school must be recalculated using the Cumulative Courses tab when calculating for an individual student.

❏ Click Recalculate GPA & Credit YYYY again.

The Ready to Recalc field is cleared.

If there is no existing grade averaging record for the school year, a record is created after the recalculation is saved. The default credit level is H.

❏ Click Save.

  • Grade averaging options are displayed at the top of the tab if grades, grade averaging, GA weight, and GA table values are entered or changed. A warning message is displayed indicating that you must run the Cumulative Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility after recalculating the GPA.

  • If semester grades are changed, but not the final grade, the course is flagged with an asterisk (*). A warning is displayed indicating that you must manually calculate the grade average.

❏ If errors occur in the recalculation, you are prompted to print the error report. Click Yes.

Review, save, and/or print the report.

If you are viewing data for a prior school year, the following fields are displayed:

User ID

The user ID of the person who entered the date is displayed.


The date-time stamp of the entry is displayed.

For a prior school year:

  • If you have been granted historical read-only access in Security Administration, the data is displayed from all school years up to the prior school year.

  • If you have been granted historical update access in Security Administration, you can update data for the last year in which the student was enrolled, if the student does not have any current year enroll records.

  • All grade calculations are the same as the calculations used for the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility.

Trashcan Icon (upper grid) Delete all prior-year records for the year.
Trashcan Icon (lower grid) Delete a course from the year.
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gradereporting/maintenance/student/individualmaint/prioryrtransfer.1535031790.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/23 08:43 (external edit)