Course Type (GA Table)

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Tables > Course Type

This page allows you to set up district-wide descriptions for numeric and grade point course types using codes 0-9 and A-Z, such as Regular, Advanced Placement (AP), Pre-AP, Dual Credit, etc. This can also be used at middle schools for Credit Level H.

Setting up the Course Type table is optional. If used, these descriptions are displayed in the following locations:

Update data:


Codes 0-9 and A-Z are displayed and cannot be changed.


The default for each code is User Defined. Type over User Defined with a new description as needed, up to 40 characters.

Examples of common code descriptions:

2 - Dual credit
H - Honors
J - High school credit course taken in middle school
P - AP
Q - Pre-AP
R - Regular

❏ Click Save.