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Grade/Course Maintenance

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grd/Crs Maint

This tab allows you to update a student's attendance and grades for a specific course-section.

If you have been granted historical update access in Security Administration, you can update data in the prior year. When the data is saved, your user ID and a date-time stamp are recorded.

Update data:

Select a student

❏ Click Retrieve.

  • The student's demographic data is displayed.

  • Graduation Plan information is displayed if available. If a student has a Graduation Plan and is pursuing or has completed Foundation High School Program (FHSP), is pursuing or has completed the Distinguished plan, and/or is pursuing or has completed any of the five endorsements, that information is displayed below the student ID.

  • The Status field displays ACT (active) or W/D (withdrawn) according to the student's current enrollment status.

❏ Enter the selection criteria:


Select the course you want to update.

NOTE: Self-paced courses are included in the Course drop down even if they have a withdrawal date.


Select the section you want to update.


Select the semester.

❏ Click Retrieve. The course data is displayed.


The class period is displayed for the selected course-section.


For each cycle, type the cycle grade.


Type the student's total number of absences for each cycle.


Type the student's number of unexcused absences for each cycle.


Type the student's number of excused absences for each cycle.

Sch Rel

Type the student's number of school-related absences for each cycle.


Type the student's number of tardies for each cycle.


Type the student's citizenship grade for each cycle.


For each cycle, select codes for up to five comments codes.


Type the final exam grade for the course.

If the campus allows exempt exam grades (i.e., Allow Exempt Exam is selected on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Posting), you can type X if the student was exempt from taking the exam.


Type the student's semester average.

If Blank out Semester/Final on Grade Change is selected on the Computation tab, when manually updating the Sem field, you must first save the cycle or exam grade change to prevent them from being cleared by the initial save.


Type the student's final average for the course.

If Blank out Semester/Final on Grade Change is selected on the Computation tab, when manually updating the Final field, you must first save the cycle or exam grade change to prevent them from being cleared by the initial save.


Type the student's credit earned for the course using one whole number and one decimal (e.g., 1.0).

Do not type the period. For example, type 05 to enter 0.5 credit.

If no credit was awarded, type NC. This only applies if the student passed the course but is not receiving credit due to attendance.

If Remove Credit on Grade Change is selected on the Computation tab, when manually updating Credit field, you must first save the cycle or exam grade change to prevent the field from being cleared by the initial save.


Indicate the student’s academic outcome for the course.

TWEDS Data Elements:
CourseCompletionIndicator (E1068)
CourseAttemptResult (E0949) (Code table: C136)


• Code 00 is only allowed if there is no semester average for any grade level or credit level.

• Codes 00, 13, and 14 are only allowed for grade levels 1-8, and only for courses that are not high school-level credit.

• Codes 00-12 are only allowed for high school-level credit courses.

GPA OverrideIf a particular student should have his course grade adjusted differently, you can specify a course type (GA table) for the student. This is not commonly used.

Select the table to be used for this student, course, and semester. This field overrides the grade averaging tables.

You can also use this field to exclude the student’s course and semester from grade averaging.

If this adjustment applies to both semesters of a two-semester course, update the field for both semesters.

Grade averaging calculations are prioritized as follows when running the Grade Averaging and Class Ranking utility:

• If the student’s GPA Override field contains a code, the program uses the table specified in this field for the course and student.

• If the student's GPA Override field is blank, the program uses the table specified in the GA Table field on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule.

• If the students GPA Override field is set to & Exclude from Grd Avg & Class Rank, the course for the selected semester is excluded.

EOC Score
EOC Final

The student's end-of-course assessment score, semester grade, and final grade are displayed only if the course you retrieved has a service ID that has been identified as an end-of-course subject in the EOC table. The fields are display only.


The code is used to determine where the course will print on the AAR. The field is only used if the code is different from the designated area for printing; otherwise, leave blank.

• If there are AAR use codes on the student record, the student codes are used even if there are AAR use codes on the section or district course records.

• If the AAR use codes are blank on the student record, but the section has AAR use codes, the section codes are used even if there are AAR use codes on the district course.

• If the use codes are blank on the student and section records, but there are AAR use codes on the district course, the district course codes are used.

Special Crs Consid

Select up to two special course considerations. You cannot select the same code for both fields.

The codes are printed on the AAR when you run SGR2047.

• If there are special course consideration codes on the student record, the student codes are displayed on the AAR even if there are special course consideration codes on the section or district course records.

• If there are no special course consideration codes on the student record, but the section has special course consideration codes, the section codes are displayed on the AAR even if there are special course consideration codes on the district course.

• If there are no special course consideration codes on the student and section records, but there are special course consideration codes on the district course, the district course codes are displayed on the AAR.

Grad Plan Use Cd

Select the code indicating the academic area in which the course will appear on a student’s graduation plan, if the academic area is different than what would be on the student’s AAR.

This field is usually used for courses such as band or PE where the student may be required to take only one year to fulfill a particular requirement, but may take subsequent courses after the first year. For example, if a student takes Band 1, the Band 1 course fulfills his Fine Arts credit. If that student continues to Band 2, 3, and 4, these courses are not needed for Fine Arts credit, so they can be considered electives on the student’s graduation plan. For Band 2, 3, and 4, set the field to ELEC (i.e., elective). Note that Band 2, 3, and 4 will still appear as Fine Arts courses on the student’s AAR.

The selected code will be set for all semesters of the course.


Select if the student took the course at a different district or campus in the same school year. If selected, PEIMS will not extract the course.

Self Paced

The field indicates if the course is self paced, per the district master schedule.


The field is selected if the course allows a student to meet the requirement for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instruction.


The field is selected if the course allows a student to meet the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) requirement for speech skills.


The field is selected if the course is an OnRamps dual enrollment course coordinated by The University of Texas at Austin, as indicated by the OnRamps field on Maintenance > Master Schedule > Campus Schedule > Section. If the field is blank at the campus level, the setting is determined by the OnRamps field on Maintenance > Master Schedule > District Schedule.

Dropout Recovery Crs Completion

Indicate if a student has completed the course in person or remotely.

❏ Click Save.

If you are viewing data for a prior school year, the following fields are displayed:

User ID

The user ID of the person who entered the date is displayed.


The date-time stamp of the entry is displayed.

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gradereporting/maintenance/student/individualmaint/grdcrsmaint.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/08 13:54 by