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Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Walk-in Scheduler > Scheduler

This tab allows you to schedule a student who does not have any scheduled classes, including students who previously withdrew from the campus.

If the student is re-enrolling, any class taken during the semester for which he is re-enrolling must be withdrawn prior to the student's most recent enrollment date.

Required courses are scheduled first, from least to most number of sections available. Then, elective courses are scheduled.

About gender restrictions

About grade restrictions

Schedule a student:

Select a student

The student’s demographic data is displayed.

If the student is already scheduled into at least one course, a “Student already scheduled” message is displayed on the Scheduler tab, and the Scheduler tab is disabled.

❏ Click the Sched Inquiry tab to view the student's schedule.

Crs Entry Sem #

The student's entry dates are displayed, which are based on his campus entry date and the calculated semester start dates. Type different dates if necessary in the MMDDYYYY format.

You cannot enter dates for a semester prior to the student's most recent entry date.

Crs Nbr

Click to select the course.


The course title is displayed.

Sec Nbr

(Optional) Click to select the section if you want to schedule the student into a specific section.

Only unlocked sections of the course are listed. Course-sections are locked in the campus master schedule.

If Override Max Seats is selected, an asterisk (*) is displayed next to the seat count if the section has met or exceeded the maximum number of seats. If not, only the course-sections that have available seats are listed.


(Optional) Select the semester the course-section meets. The field is used if you want to schedule the student into one semester of a two-semester course or into a one-semester course that is offered in multiple semesters.

You can select a semester even if you do not select a section.

Self Pcd

The field indicates if the course is self paced, as indicated in the district master schedule.

Nbr Sem

The number of semesters the course-section meets is displayed.

Override Max Seats

Select to allow the scheduler to place the student in a full course-section. If blank, only sections with at least one seat available are used.

If a student has not been scheduled in any classes:

❏ Click +Add to add another course.

A blank row is added to the grid.

❏ To delete a course request, click Trashcan Icon.

❏ When you have added all courses, click Run Scheduler.

The scheduler attempts to place the courses.

Placed (upper grid)

The column is displayed with a check box selected for each course that was successfully scheduled.

The student's generated (i.e., draft) schedules are displayed in the schedule grids at the bottom of the tab.

  • Only courses assigned by the walk-in scheduler are displayed for semesters on or after the student's most recent semester of enrollment.

  • Any courses taken previously during the semester of re-enrollment are not displayed.

  • Any courses taken for semesters prior to the one in which the student is re-enrolling cannot be modified.

  • The most recent active instructor with Class Role = 1 (or the lowest class role) is displayed for the course-section.

  • If errors were encountered, click View Error List to view the walk-in scheduler errors. Review, save, and print the report.

Update a student's schedule:

Before saving, you can change the student's generated schedules in one of the following ways:

❏ In the course request (upper) grid, make changes to the course requests, and then click Run Scheduler again.

The placed courses in the schedule grid are cleared and replaced. You can repeat this process as many times as needed before saving.

❏ In the schedule (lower) grids, add, delete, or change the course-sections as follows:

❏ Click +Add in a lower grid to add a course to a particular semester.

A blank row is displayed in that grid.


Click to select the course.


The course title is displayed.


(Optional) Click to select the section if you want to schedule the student into a specific section.

Only unlocked sections of the course are listed. Course-sections are locked in the campus master schedule.

If Override Max Seats is selected, an asterisk (*) is displayed next to the seat count if the section has met or exceeded the maximum number of seats. If not, only the course-sections that have available seats are listed.


The class period that applies to the course-section is displayed.

Entry Date
WD Date

To withdraw a student from a course, type the withdrawal date in the MMDDYYYY format. The date is the first school day after the last date the student attended the class.

Xfr Crs

Select if the student took the course at a different campus in the school district in the same school year. If selected, the entry date for the course will be before the student’s campus entry date, because his entry date into the course is from the prior campus.


A student took 1000-Algebra 1 at campus 001 during semester 1, and his entry date was 8/24/19. Then, he transferred to campus 002 in the same district on 10/1/19, and he continued taking 1000-Algebra 1 at campus 002. His entry date for campus 002 is 10/01/2019. Therefore, campus 002 should add 1000 - Algebra 1 with an entry date of 08/24/2019, and Xfr Crs field should be selected. This indicates that the student has been enrolled in the course since the beginning of the school year.

Self Pcd

The field indicates if the course is self paced, as indicated in the district master schedule.

❏Click Save.

IMPORTANT: Once the schedules are saved, the scheduler cannot be run again.

Any non-transfer courses that have the same entry and withdrawal date are deleted.

❏ Click the Sched Inquiry tab to view the student's schedule.

Trashcan Icon Delete a course from the student's schedule.
gradereporting/maintenance/walkinscheduler/scheduler.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/16 13:34 by apape