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Historical Grade Averaging and Class Ranking

Grade Reporting > Utilities > Historical Grd Avg and Class Ranking

This utility allows districts to recalculate grade averages for previous school years if grades or credits for prior years are changed. Only grade averages are updated. Rank is only updated if rank has never been run for that school year and grade level. You can recalculate data for all students for a particular school year, or you can perform calculations only for students with altered data.

The calculations include grades and credits entered on Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Prior Yr Transfer, including summer school courses.

Prior year transfer courses are included if they have the same school year, district, campus, and local course number, and if one or more of the following has changed: semester grade, final grade, credit, GA Table, and/or GA Weight.

NOTE: Historical grade averaging can be calculated for an individual student using Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Cumulative Courses.

Update data:

School Year

Select a prior school year, or select Only Changed Students.

If a prior school year is selected:

• Grade averages for all students are recalculated for that school year. This updates the Avg field (either Numeric or Grd Pt) on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > Grade Avg.

NOTE: Students are selected according to their enrollment status and grade level in that school year. For example, if the school year 2017-2018 is selected and grade level 10 is selected, grade averages will be calculated for students who are in 10th grade for school year 2017-2018 and enrolled on the campus selected during school year 2017-2018.

• Class rank is only updated if rank has never been calculated for the selected campus, school year, and grade level (i.e., if Rank is blank or 0 for all students on Grade Reporting Maintenance > Student > Individual > Grade Avg.

If Only Changed Students is selected, grade averages are only recalculated for students with altered semester or final grades, credits, and/or GPA override grades in any school year in which a change occurred, and only for school years in which a change occurred. Rank is not updated if this option is selected.

CampusThe campus to which you are logged on is displayed.
Campus Control Information

Settings from the Grade Averaging Information section on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > H Roll & Gr Avg for the selected campus and school year are displayed for your reference. These settings will be applied when recalculating averages for all courses taken in the district. Transfer courses taken outside the district are not included in recalculations by this utility.


Select the semester(s) for which to recalculate data. Typically, you should select all semesters to be sure complete school year data is included in the calculation.

NOTE: Whether the semester or final average is computed depends on the setting of the Grading Concept field on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > Computation.


The following are the same fields used when running Grade Reporting > Utilities > Grade Averaging and Class Ranking.


Select A to process all tracks, or select a specific attendance track.

Rpt Sort

(Required) Select the order in which you want to sort the reports produced when the utility is run.

Print Credit

Select to include the student’s course credits awarded for the school year on the report.

Verify Course Entry Dates
High School Credit Lvl Courses for Middle School

Select if the utility should include only courses taken for high school credit at the middle school.

This option is typically used when 8th grade students have moved to 9th grade, and calculation did not occur before running Annual Student Data Rollover. You must be logged on as the middle school campus.

The H credit level courses taken at the middle school will be the only courses included in the student’s grade averaging row, and the row will be marked as credit level H.

Otherwise, the utility will include all courses taken at the middle school campus with credit levels M and H that are eligible for grade averaging. Credit level M courses will be written to the student’s grade average row.

Exclude students from ranking if taking a crs that excludes him from HR

Select to exclude students who are taking a course that excludes them from the honor roll. If selected, the following occurs:

If the student is taking any course for which HRoll Cd is set to N=Excl Stu in the district master schedule, the student is completely excluded from the grade averaging and class ranking process.

If the student is taking any course for which HRoll Cd is set to E=Excl Crs in the district master schedule, those courses are excluded, but the student is still eligible for the grade averaging and class ranking process.

NOTE: If the course's GA Weight field is 0 on the district master schedule, this field may not be necessary.

Normal Max

Type a two-digit number which will be used to flag students with excessive courses. If the student’s course factor is greater than the number entered in this field, an asterisk (*) is printed next to the student’s course factor.

Usually, this field is not selected.

If Graduated WD Students are to be included, enter the WD Cd

It is recommended that this field be set to 01 (Graduated).

The field overrides the Incl Wdrawn Stu in Avg and Incl Wdrawn Stu in Rank fields on Maintenance > Tables > Campus Control Options > H Roll & Gr Avg.

If a student is withdrawn from the campus (i.e., W/R Enroll tab in Registration) with a code that matches this code, the student will be included in grade averaging and class ranking even if the Incl Wdrawn Stu in Avg and/or Incl Wdrawn Stu in Rank fields are not selected.

Grade Levels

Select one or more individual grade levels to update, or click All Grade Levels to update data for students in all grades.

IMPORTANT: This must match the grade level the student was in during the year selected to be recalculated.

For high school credit level courses taken at a middle school, you must be on the appropriate campus for the prior year grade level (e.g., 8th grade).

• To select multiple non-consecutive rows, press and hold the CTRL key while selecting the first row and then the subsequent rows.

• To select multiple consecutive rows, click the first grade level and drag to select multiple grade levels. Or, press and hold the SHIFT key while selecting the first row and then the last row. All the rows (between the first and last rows) are selected.

TrialProduce a report of calculations in order to preview results. No grade averaging calculations are actually done. Review, save, and/or print the report.

Once the trial produces the results you want, click Live to perform the calculations.

gradereporting/utilities/historicalgradeavgandclassranking.1502307608.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/09 14:40 (external edit)